Chapter Nine: To Be Destined [Part 1]

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A/N: This chapter is honestly dedicated to all of the lovely people who've asked me to write about the Maiden and her Lady's first meeting! 🥰 Thank you so much for all of your comments, support and love, it truly means more than you know! 💙💜💖

This chapter is Part One of the meeting. The next one will explain more about the Maiden's past, why she has such a strong connection with Alcina and why she decided to take a trip to Romania of all places 😅❤️

Anyways, like I said, I hope you all enjoy and please don't hesitate to let me know what you think! 🥰


The little Romanian village wasn't the first spot you would've picked for a winter vacation.

You shiver, gathering your coat tighter around your trembling shoulders, your little suitcase clutched in your other hand. Around you, a light snowfall dusts what you can make out of the town through the gloom and you start forward, away from the run-down bus that had carried you from the small airport a few hours away.

You pass very few people along the way, all of them looking old and ragged, worn down by the cold but none stop to talk to you and you breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, you make it down to the end of the street, pausing in-front of a shack of a hotel. Double checking the postcard given to you by the bus driver, you reach up to brush your damp hair from your face before pushing forward.

The warmth that envelopes you as soon as you step in is a welcomed relief from the frigid air outside and you feel a bit of your own warmth grow in your chest.

Your mood is quickly turned sour, however, as a man speaks, popping up from behind the check-in booth. You yelp in surprise, hand coming up to protect your face on instinct.

"Hello there, little lady." He says, tilting his large hat to you and you swallow down your shock, giving a small wave back, before dropping your hands, feeling slightly foolish. "New in town?"

"Uh, yes." You nod, stepping in closer to the man. You try to ignore the way his dark eyes peer down at you below his bushy eyebrows. "I'd like a room. Please."

"For how long?"

"A week, if you can."

You swallow, reaching out with shaking hands to give the man a stack of Romanian leu, watching as his dark eyes widen. He snatches the money off the counter, stuffing it into his pocket.

"That's more money than a week's worth, little lady." He warns but you shrug, fiddling with the strap of your suitcase. Studying you for a few more seconds, the man finally decides to drop the issue, obviously deciding that scamming more money out of you was more important that you staying longer.

He hands you a key, pointing toward the door to his left. "Room 12, just past the stairwell."

"Thank you."

With a sigh, you follow the direction the man said, coming to a stop by the correct door. You hesitate for a second, running a thoughtful finger over the faded numbers along the outside, before steeling your jaw and unlocking the handle. Inside, it's not much, just a small bed - more of a glamorized cot, really - a dresser, stove, sink and small bathroom.

It's a million times better than the life you left behind - better than he'll ever be - however and you finally allow yourself to bask in your own, new-found freedom for just a second.

Tears sting your eyes and you blink them away, packing away what little belongings you had managed to bring with you. Flicking the stove on, you set a small burner ablaze with a thankfully non-damaged match, before sliding into bed, pulling the thin sheet all the way up to your chin.

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