Chapter Fifty One: To Be Drenched

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SUMMARY: No one requested this, I just found the idea cute and funny lmao 😅 Protective!Alcina™️? Possessive!Alcina™️? The Maiden regretting her stupid choices and getting doted on/lovingly scolded by her Dom Vampire-esque wife™️? Yes please, thank you very much! 😌❤️✨


A/N: Hello hello, happy Tuesday night y'all, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Thank you as always for you incredible love and support for both me and this fanfic and please PLEASEEEE don't hesitate to tell me what you think/request a chapter/suggest a prompt to write! 💖🥰

**TRIGGER WARNING: talk of illnesses, cursing**


You didn't mean to leave the castle without a coat on.

Technically, you didn't even know it was supposed to rain in the first place. The sky — when you had left the library and ventured out into the garden to walk along the last of the surviving spring flowers and apple trees — had been a little dreary, a level of low-floating, gray clouds covering the sky above the forest. Nothing you haven't seen before in Romania, however, and you brushed aside the slight chill in the air that made you shiver.

Leaning against the trunk of the tree closest to the castle, you had blinked up at the rustling, green leaves above you, basking in the autumn breeze. The weather had been mostly fair, the sun a faint, yellow warmth around you through the timid, fall gloom.

Just for a few minutes. You remembered thinking, sinking down into the soft, dewy grass. The dead leaves around you crinkled against your legs. Just gonna rest for a few minutes.

That was the last thing you remembered before your eyes had slipped shut.

Now, you stand with one hand braced against the trunk, squinting in the misty rain as it swirls around you. It's a cold rain, soaking into your amethyst-colored sweater and jeans with each gust of wind and you shiver violently, your teeth chattering. Through the haze of it, you can just make out the faint, golden glow of the castle windows high above the grounds and you curse your luck, squeezing your eyes shut and rubbing at your damp face.

Alcina must be looking for you by now.

Earlier, when you had first ventured out for a little nature walk and rest, she had been cooped up in her office, hunched over her desk with her phone held to her ear. You had stuck your head in once, a little after lunchtime but she'd been too busy to do much more than kiss your forehead before she turned back to her paperwork. Bored out of your mind and not wanting to bother your daughters as they had gone out late the night before on a hunt, you opted to come out to the garden instead.

A lovely idea at the time — now, however. . .

"Fuck—" You hiss, wrapping your arms around your middle in a poor attempt to preserve body heat, squinting as another harsh gust of wind makes the tree above you shake. "Ugh."

Shuffling from foot-to-foot, you grimace as the rainwater collecting on the grass starts to dampen your boots, raising a hand to shield your eyes from the downpour. After what feels like forever, the rain seems to let up just enough for you to see the doors leading back into the library and, in turn, back into the warmth and safety of your home.

Clenching your jaw, you quickly decide that you might not have another chance for the rest of the night and, with a yelp, you fling yourself out from under the apple tree and into the rain. Nearly tripping on a patch of mud, you slide your way across the slick, wet grass back to the castle's doors, soaked to the bone now.

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