Chapter Twenty Seven: To Be Mentoring

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A/N: Hi guys, this prompt was requested by the lovely anon commenter on Archive Of Our Own AHHHHHHHH: A CHAPTER WHERE MAIDEN SHOWS/EXPLAINS A BOARD GAME TO THE LADY AND DAUGHTERS WOULD BE SICK

I hope you all enjoy this chapter and thank you so much for all of your incredible love and support, it truly means so much to me! 🥰😭 


"Daniela, I swear to God, if you don't get Bela's gingerbread man out of your mouth this instant--"

"But Mother--"

Alcina leans forward from her place at your side, nearly knocking the Candy Land playing board completely off the table. Jolting forward, you barely manage to catch the cards as they slide all the way to the right, practically throwing yourself across Alcina's lap. She rewards you with an apologetic pat against your thigh, pressing a kiss against your cheek once you straighten back up.

"Daniela." Your Lady says again, holding up her hand, three fingers raised. "I'm going to count to three. One, two--"

"Fine, fine--"

Spitting the yellow plastic gaming piece back onto the counter, your youngest daughter leans back in her chair with a pout. Brushing a stray lock of red hair from her face, she turns toward you, her golden eyes gleaming in the firelight.

"Not my fault it's shaped like a sweet little man-thing, Mama." She practically whines.

"It's also made out of plastic, dumbass." Bela snarks from her place on the other side of the table, twirling around her own red gingerbread man. He spins a few times in place before falling forward and the blonde lets out a laugh. "They are pretty amusing, however."

"For you, maybe." Cassandra huffs. She slouched in her chair beside Bela, her hood up and covering half her face like a moody, goth teenager. "Can we start already? Please?"

"We don't even know how to play yet. Cassie." Bela points out.

"It can't be that difficult. I'm pretty sure the box says 'for ages 3+' and that might be a little harder for Dani--"

"Hey!" Daniela slashes at her sister, ignoring the older girl's warning growl. "Says the fly-brain who thought we could fucking eat the playing cards at first--"

"Like you're one to talk--"

"Enough." Alcina raises her hand again, cutting through the argument with ease. She's holding her own blue playing piece in between her fingers, the figure comically small in her large hands. She sighs harshly, her gold eyes narrowed under her hat. "You girls are going to behave and listen to your Mama while she explains or you can buzz off to your rooms, am I clear?"

"Yes, Mother." Both of your daughters say, giving twin nods before all three of them turn toward you, their eyes wide.

"Thank you." Alcina says before turning toward you herself, her eyes softening. She reaches out, brushing a gentle hand under your jaw and you nuzzle into the affection, pulling your legs tighter underneath you, leaning further against her side. "Go on, beloved. We're listening."

Clearing your throat, you reach out, trapping at the board with a finger. "So, first things first, put your little gingerbread men on the starting point."

Waiting until all of your family members had done that, you're just about to continue when Cassandra interrupts, snarling. "Bela always gets to be first."

Bela smirks. "I'm the oldest."

"That's not how it works."

"Says who?" The blonde laughs, jeering at her growling sister. "At least you're before Daniela."

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now