Chapter Fourteen: To Be Scented - SEMI-NSFW

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A/N: Okay, alright yes yes here's chapter 14 for you guys! 🥰 I know that I say this every chapter but thank you so so so SO SO SO much for all of the love and support you've shown me and this story, it literally means so much to me! I hope that you enjoy and please let me know what you think! 💙💜💙💜

Disclaimer: I do not own Resident Evil or anything associated material.


The first time your Lady actually scents you, it's only your second day in the castle.

You spent the first half of the day curled up in her arms, your head pressed against her chest, only separating for a few minutes to eat something before cuddling close once again. Alcina presses kisses against your lips and cheeks, humming under her breath and you sigh.

"My seamstress should be here by this evening." Your Lady whispers against your skin, shifting you slightly in her lap as you wiggle. "We'll get you some new clothes, my dove."

The thought of actually having to get up from Alcina's arms is enough to make you frown and your Lady tuts, kissing your lips. You grin in reflex, glancing up at her eyes through the afternoon light and the adoration glimmering in her golden gaze causes your cheeks to warm.

"Are you sure I can't just wear your dresses everyday?" You joke.

Alcina growls low but the sound has no real heat to it. "I'm afraid not. We've already been over this, darling--"

"But they're comfy," You cut your Lady off, looking up at her from below your lashes and you watch as her lovely lips twitch in a vain attempt not to smile. "Plus, you said that I look pretty in them, right?"

"Absolutely beautiful, sweetheart." Alcina says, punctuating her words with a kiss against your neck and you shiver. She pulls back after a second, cupping your red cheek in one of her warm hands. "However, they just aren't very practical."

"I know," You finally sigh, admitting defeat. "What kind of clothes am I getting?"

"Any kind you like."

"Really?" You blink, your head swarming with ideas. Alcina does laugh this time, her chest jumping underneath you and you grip her arms tighter, feeling her free arm snake around your waist to hold you closer. "Wow, okay, uh. I'm going to need to think about this."

"We have time, beloved. Plus, you can always just get a few things today and then have more made later."

"That's true."

You nod, pecking at your Lady's knuckles in thanks and she hums, leaning down to nuzzle at your neck. You tilt your head to the side, a low moan filling your chest at the way Alcina's lips brush against your skin. The nip of her fangs sends pleasant tingles down your arms and you shiver.

You frown, however, when you feel Alcina brush her cheek against your jaw, nuzzling into your skin.

You're just about to ask her about it when she surges up, catching your open mouth in hers and you whimper into the kiss, pressing back against her. Your confusion is quickly forgotten.


The second time is a few days later, when Heisenberg is visiting the castle for the first time since your arrival.

He lumbers in the front door, pulling his thick coat from around his shoulders and dropping it to the floor without hesitation. You stand a few feet away, Alcina's tall form slightly in-front of you and she flashes you a gentle smile before turning back to her grumbling brother.

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now