Chapter Sixty: To Be Fowled

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SUMMARY: This has been a request by so many of y'all since I posted Ch. 47 so I hope you enjoy The Duckling Inncident™️ and that it was worth the wait! Thank you for your patience! 🥰


A/N: Hi guys, happy Saturday! 🥰 I hope you enjoy this fluffy, silly Dimitrescu Family bonding chapter and thank you so much for all of your love and support, it means so much to me as always! Please feel free to let me know what you think and request anything you want me to write, I'm slowly going down my list haha 😂💖

PS: the title of this chapter is a bird pun because I'm stupid and think it's hilarious lmao


Despite it being a-few-weeks past the official start of spring, the weather's still just chilly enough to need a jacket and you tighten yours across your shoulders as you walk further along the pathway toward the lake.

"Cold, beloved?" Alcina asks, in-step beside you and you blink up at her in the early-morning sunlight, her lovely face pinched in concern. Reaching down with her free hand regardless of how you shake your head, your wife tuts, drawing your hood over your ears. "It's only going to get worse the closer we get to the lake—"

"I'm fine." You grumble goodnaturedly, catching your Lady's hand in your own and kissing at her gloved fingers. Her smile is as breathtaking as ever and you swallow, your cheeks flushing. "Shouldn't you be more worried about the girls, anyways?"

As though summoned, Bela, Cassandra and Daniela come barreling down from further up the path, Daniela and Cassandra in the lead with their older sister at the rear. The three of them are slightly more swaddled than you are, Daniela's hood falling over her blazing golden eyes as she grips at your other hand, practically bouncing along the path.

"Why are you two going so fucking slow?" She groans, tugging at you.

Barely managing to stay upright, you listen as Alcina growls low. Despite her frustrations with her youngest daughter's rough manhandling, she gently pulls Dani's fingers from around your wrist. "Daniela, how many times do we need to go over this—?"

Pouting, the ginger dips her head in apology, grabbing at your hand again. Her grip is soft now, her fingers intertwined with yours. "Sorry, Mother. Sorry, Mama. But can we please hurry up, it'll be nearly dark by the time we get there at this rate."

"Actually—" Bela starts, adjusting her own dark coat around her shoulders, falling into step beside you. "We'll be there in ten minutes."

"Five minutes, if we can get Mother to run." Cassandra drawls, kicking at a stray rock. "Or at least move faster than a fucking snail."

"A Lady doesn't run." Your wife retorts, her nose in the air. She scowls down at her daughters, more bark than bite. Her golden eyes are twinkling in exasperation as she releases your hand to adjust her hat. "Honestly, daughters, the excessive complaining is getting irritating."

"Then move faster, speed walk, do something—"

Snapping her fingers, Alcina's beautiful face contorts in a flash of real anger and Cassandra frowns, reaching out to grab at her mother's hand in apology. Taking a deep breath, your Lady brushes a lock of dark hair behind her middle daughter's ear, fixing Cass's own hood as it droops to cover her eyes.

"Anyways." Bela mutters, grabbing at your other hand, much gentler than Daniela. "Do you think it'll be too early in the spring season to see any ducklings?"

You shrug, squeezing the blonde's fingers. "Maybe a few. When did they start to have babies last year, M'Lady? It was a little later, right? Closer to summer?"

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