Chapter Twenty: To Be Attacked [Part 1]

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A/N: I hope you guys enjoy, I love you all lots! 🥰 This is Part 1 of the Lycan attack chapter, parts 2 & 3 will be posted within the next few hours! 


All you wanted to do was pick some flowers.

You'd woken up extra early, the sun having barely brushed it's first rays against the dew-soaked ground as you sat up in bed. Alcina's side was empty, the sheets ruffled from where she herself had risen earlier and you reached over, pulling the note she left on her pillow down to your level.

Beloved, it starts, her perfect cursive causing butterflies to erupt in your chest, your breath catching. I was unfortunately called for an early-morning emergency meeting. I will be back before noon. Please be sure to eat breakfast. I love you. Yours, Alcina.

Brushing your finger over the now dried strokes of your love's pen, you sigh, deciding that you probably weren't going to be able to fall back asleep without Alcina's warmth next to you. Setting her note on your bedside table, you clamber out of bed, yawning as you go. Rubbing stubborn sleep from your eyes, you quickly change from your nightgown into jeans and a soft gray t-shirt.

Making your way downstairs toward the kitchen, you tie your hair back, glancing out the tall windows lining the halls as you go.

You're facing the west wing of the Dimitrescu Castle grounds, the rising sun casting long, clawing shadows along the grass. If you squint hard enough, you think you can spot something moving, a dark mass of a creature, along the outermost edge of Alcina's territory and you shiver.

It's gone before you can actually stop and search, however, and you frown just as you make it into the kitchen, greeting your daughters as they buzz in after you.

"Good morning, Mama," Bela says, brushing a hand against your shoulder as she passes. "Any plans for the day?"

"Might go pick some flowers." You yawn around your words, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "They look really beautiful in the spring and I think we could use more color in here than just red and gold."

"Are you sure they aren't just for Mother?" Bela wiggles her eyebrows.

You shrug with a laugh, scooting around Daniela as your youngest makes a bee-line toward the fridge, grabbing at a package of blood. She rips it open with her teeth, speaking around the pouch.

"We're going hunting, Mama." When you shoot her a confused glance, she elaborates. "Mother already said it's okay, we talked to her before she left."

"She did say something about keeping on the property, though." Cassandra says, grabbing at her own pouch of blood and brushing away Dani's hand as her sister goes to snatch it. "Hey, stop it--"

"Daniela--" You warn and the red-head settles as you cross your arms, leaning against the counter. Turning back toward Cassandra, you take the offered yogurt packet with a thankful smile. "Did she say why?"

"Who? Mother?"

"Yeah, about staying on the grounds."

Cassandra shrugs. "Not really."

"Might have something to do with the lycans, Mama." Bela says from her place at the table, brushing aside a wild lock of blonde hair. "They're been getting closer to the property line than normal. That might be what today's meeting's about, actually."

"Could be." You hum, finishing up your yogurt.

Throwing away the trash, you turn back to your girls, cupping each of their chins. They nuzzle against you, practically purring like little bloodthirsty kittens and you take a second to bask in the wonderful strangeness that is your new life. Clearing your throat, you take a step back, grabbing your jacket and your basket as you go.

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