Chapter Forty Three: To Be Sun-Kissed - SEMI NSFW

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Summary: A warm, underneath-the-apple-tree reading and kissing session with your wife.


A/N: Hello, hello guys, I'm not dead 😅 Yay! Anywayssss, I'm super duper, so so SO sorry for how long this took to update (and it's not even the chapter I was planning on publishing, I legit wrote this one in 2-hours while drinking a Razzleberry Peace Tea and eating ramen lmao), but I open you enjoy this chapter anyways! 🥰 Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for sticking with me and this story. It means more to me than I can even express.


ps. istg I'm gonna write something related to the actual, planned plot I have soon, this is legit just some mindless fluff and a little bit of smut because I've been *SO* exhausted lately.


The sunlight against your face is warm and you bask in it, the light a muffled, green-tinged hue behind your closed eyes and you sigh, listening as the breeze ruffles the tree branches over your head.

It's been a little while since the weather cooperated enough to let you enjoy Dimitrescu castle's greenhouse, the late-summer finally cooled off sufficiently so that it doesn't feel like you're going to be absolutely roasted to your bones every single time you step in. Settling deeper into your chair under the apple tree, you sigh again as you finally turn back toward your book cradled in your lap.

"Enjoying the fresh air, I see, darling?" Your wife's soft voice floats over and you lift your head again, your small frown of annoyance at the interruption fading as-soon-as you catch sight of her dashing, ruby-lipped smile.

Leaning upwards obediently when she gets closer, you accept the sweet kiss she presses against your lips with a hum, leaning into her large hand as she cradles your jaw. "Something like that, M'Lady. Care to join me?"

Letting out a beautiful laugh at the way you wiggle your brows invitingly, Alcina falls gracefully into her own chair, scooting it over so that her long legs are pressed against yours, her own book in her free hand. She's without her hat and you take the opportunity to study her beautiful features in the light of the midday sun, your eyes following the graceful curve of her long nose and across her high cheekbones, a loving desire stirring your stomach and you squirm.

A blush rises to your face at the way her pretty golden eyes flicker toward you, studying your own sun-kissed cheeks. "Your freckles have started popping up again, sweetheart. Across your nose."

Raising a hand, you brush your fingers across the bridge of your nose, a little embarrassed. "They are? I didn't even notice."

"Hm, yes." Reaching over, across the short distance between her chair and yours, Alcina brushes a long, delicate finger across your cheeks. Her gloves are off, her skin warm and soft against your own and you shiver, despite the summer heat. "They're absolutely exquisite."

"Oh." At your wife's cooed praise, all embarrassment vanishes from your belly, a simmering, honeyed arousal warming you instead. Nuzzling your face into her palm as she cradles your cheek, you swallow. "Thank you, M'Love."

"You're very welcome, my dove." Booping your nose with her finger as she pulls back, Alcina laughs at the way you pout, a mischievous grin tugging at her red lips. "What's the reason for such a disheartened look, sweetling?"

Instead of answering, all you do is grumble, pulling your legs up to your chest. "Not pouting."

"I never said you were."

"You thought about it."

At this, your wife laughs again, settling in her chair, her book against her knee, unopened. "You don't know that, comoara mea. That's a very bold assumption to make when you have no evidence."

"I don't need evidence." You huff, crossing your arms. Your book slides to the side of your chair, your bookmark still, thankfully, in place, and you shift your gaze from it, up toward your still-smirking Lady. Alcina's beautiful golden eyes sparkle in mirth and you bite your lip to stifle your own, intended on keeping up with your annoyed ruse. "I-I can feel it, in our bond."

"Oh, really now?" Your wife's voice is as-sweet-as honey and just as thick and you swallow, shivering again. Leaning forward, Alcina raises her large, warm hand again, gently cupping the back of your head. Her thumb brushes over your jumping pulse and you swallow. "That's very fascinating, beloved. Do you know what I can feel in our bond, my little love?"

"Uh—" Forcing yourself to stop staring at the plump, intoxicating crimson of Alcina's lips, you meet her eyes instead, her gaze deliciously dark in lust and adoration. "I'm gonna guess it's something that'll make me stop pouting—?"

Alcina chuckles, the sound deep and velvety, tugging you with a hand at the nape of your neck, her other encircling your waist. Carefully lifting you above the arms of both your chair and her own, her strong thighs flex underneath your ass as you wrap your own arms around her neck. Obediently tilting your head to the side as her lips kiss at your jaw, you gasp as she nips at your pulse, the pain soothed by her warm, wonderful tongue.

Your book falls to the ground near the foot of your chair, the light thud muffled from the grass and apple tree leaves. You glance down at it for barely a second, mourning the loss, before all of your attention is back on your wife.

"Feeling better now, my one true?" Alcina whispers against your skin, rubbing her hands up and down your sides and you shift in her lap with a whimper.

"A little—" You start, struggling to keep the whine from your voice as you start to ache between your legs. A surprise yelp leaves you, however, when your wife reaches down, pinching at your ass with her fingers and a startled laugh leaves you. "Hey!"

Patting at your butt in apology, Alcina smirks, you can feel the lift against your skin as she hums, kissing across your collarbone. "Not pouting anymore, are we, dear?"

Grumbling even as you shake your head in affirmation, you tug at your wife's shoulders, trying to get her to lift her head. "M'Lady, please."

"Please what, angel?" Alcina pulls away with a final, teasing kiss against your pulse, licking her lips as she rises, her lips only a few centimeters from your own. She grins, pulling you deeper against her, your chest against her own and your breath hitches, whimpering as her strong, long fingers trail agonizingly slowly up your thigh. "Use your words, my dove."

You swallow, swaying closer, ghosting your lips against your wife's and it's her turn to gasp. "Please kiss me."

Chest rumbling in a deep, possessive rumble, your Lady immediately swoops the rest of the way forward, crashing her lips against yours. Her tongue dances with yours as you gasp in pleasure, her mouth devouring and dominating and you submit without hesitation, your whimper getting caught between the two-of-you. Alcina's hands are everywhere, cupping the swell of your ass and trailing down your sides, her strong fingers gripping at your hips and waist and you pant, your own hands tangled in her dark, silky curls.

Her own novel falls to rest with your own on the ground, but this time, you couldn't care less.

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now