Chapter Two: To Be Avenged

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A/N: A lot of people were asking to see how Alcina deals with the man who hurt the Reader, so here you go! 😅 I hope you all enjoy! 🥰

Please let me know what you think about this chapter and if you have any suggestions/ideas/prompts (NSFW or other) for further chapters, feel free to leave those as well! 💙💜💙💜



By the time her darling Maiden is asleep, safe and sound in their bed, Alcina can barely control the waves of rage crashing down inside of her. She rises, careful not to disturb her still slumbering love, before slinking toward the middle of the room with a nearly silent growl.

"Cassandra," She calls softly, glancing back at your form, tucked in their bed. Her daughter appears then and the Lady is forced to snap her golden gaze from your slack face, meeting her middle child's eyes. "I ask of you a favor."

"Yes, Mother," Cassandra nods, flicking her eyes in-between you and your wife, her own golden gaze filled with concern. "What happened--?"

Alcina holds up a hand and Cassandra cuts herself off, a fly buzzing from her shoulder to perch along her cheek. She swats it away with a frown.

"Not now," Your wife says, her voice lowering into a deep growl and her daughter seems to take the hint, shuffling from foot-to-foot. Alcina rests a hand against Cassandra's shoulder, and the girl glances up, meeting her mother's furious eyes. "Stay with my Maiden, keep her safe for me."

"Of course, Mother." Cassandra nods, shuffling so that she's at the foot of your bed, resting one pale hand against the sheets. You shift around in your sleep, sniffling slightly and both vampires pause, watching as you turn onto your other side, away from them. "The others--?"

"Have them do sweeps of the grounds." Alcina orders, swiping her tongue against the underside of her own glistening fangs. She sweeps over back to your side, brushing a lock of hair from your face before leaning down, pressing a sweet, lingering kiss against your forehead. You sigh. "Contact me immediately if my Love wakes, or if she appears to be in distress. I will be back by morning at the latest."

Cassandra nods, taking her stance now near the head of your bed, brushing her own hand against your hair. Her golden eyes are hard, face drawn, when she glances back up at her Mother.

"I will protect her with my life." She vows and Alcina pauses at the doorway, giving her middle child a grateful nod.

Your wife glances back at you, her face softening for a split second, before she turns away, feeling the same possessive, instinctual fury rise up again, clouding her vision in red. Her hands shake, long fingers morphing into razor sharp claws and she snarls, baring her fangs.

Time for a hunt.


Your wife retraces your staggering steps from earlier, trying hard to block out the bitter taste of your pain and fear on her tongue. The man's scent, no matter how revolting and infuriating, is key and she tracks the mix you left behind, finally coming to a stop near the wagon.

Alcina's perfect lips curl in a snarl, swallowing down bile at the way the scent of your terror and pain reaches its peak at this spot, swiping her claws down the side of the wagon. Through your scent, she's able to pinpoint the man's, his heavy with arousal and then his own fear.

She gathers a deep lung-full of it, hissing in twisted pleasure at the way his terror burns against her tongue.

Fangs gleaming in the light of the now-rising moon, Alcina follows the path he took when he finally ran away from you, ducking down a deserted street and following it deep into the surrounding woods.

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now