Chapter Seventeen: To Be Family [Part 1]

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to the lovely and wonderful @BeckyBoop on Archive of Our Own, who requested that the Maiden, Alcina and the girls have a day out as a family! I hope you enjoy this chapter hon and I'm absoultey going to be writing more of your prompts very soon!! 💖🥰

Also this chapter is Part One of the Family Picnic because I just had WAY TOO MANY IDEAS and didn't want to stay up until 3am writing LMAO if you have any suggestions for what you want them all to do at the lake, feel free to share in a comment! ✨

Anyways, I love ya'll, thank you so much for the support and I hope that you enjoy! 💙💜💙💜


"Okay, my darling are you ready to go -- What are you doing?"

You pause, the bottle of sunscreen still flipped upside down in your hand. Glancing from the tube, to your wife's confused frown, you laugh. "Uh, putting on sunscreen?"

"Hmm," Alcina's brows furrow as she walks closer to you, gently taking the bottle from your hand when you hold it out. She studies it for a second before her eyes flicker back to you, watching as you spread the sunscreen down your arms. "Just what does this, er, sunscreen, do?"

"Keeps me from looking like a lobster." When all your Lady does is stare at you, you elaborate, brushing aside your hair to rub at your shoulders. "It helps to prevent sunburn, M'Lady."

"Ah," Reaching out, Alcina replaces your hands with her own, smoothing the sunscreen into your skin with slow, deep circles and you bite your lip to muffle a moan. Tilting your head, you shiver as her fingers graze against your mark. "Must be a new sort of invention then, dear."

Not really, but you decide to hold your tongue. Turning around when Alcina gently steers you, you finally get a good look at what she's wearing to the pond. Her hair's pulled up in a ribbon, the ends trailing around her shoulders and you follow them down, feeling your mouth go dry at the deep red swimsuit that hugs her in all the right places.

"Tilt your head down, love." She says and you snap out of your drooling, doing as told. Carefully, you listen as your wife squeezes a little bit more of the sunscreen on her palms. "This might be cold--"

True to her words, the lotion against your back causes you to shiver and you resist the urge to duck away from the chill, sighing instead as Alcina presses an apologetic kiss against your shoulder. Once done, you turn back around, slipping your shirt carefully over your own bathing suit, grimacing slightly at the sticky feeling.

Your Lady's golden eyes follow you, studying your figure in a desire-rich gaze and your face heats. Slipping on a pair of loose shorts, you bend down to grab your sandals from under the bed.

"With you looking like that, dove--" Alcina's voice causes you to freeze, feeling her warm hand trail up your spine through your shirt. "--we might not even make it all the way to the pond."

"W-We promised the girls. . ." You say, heat pooling deep in your belly at the sound of your wife's low, rumbling chuckle. You stand fully up, sandals forgotten and turn around in her arms, reaching up on your tip-toes toward her. "Alcina--"

You're interrupted, however, just as her ruby lips brush against your own by a loud banging against your door. Daniela's voice, muffled through the wood, sounds and you roll your eyes.

"Come on, Mothers, it's already almost noon and you said we would be at the pond by 11 at the latest--"

"Oh, shut up, Dani," Bela's voice, slightly lower than her sisters, comes through next. "They're clearly getting ready. . ."

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now