Chapter Sixty One: To Be Valentines

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SUMMARY: Requested by no one: I just wanted to write a fluffy, cute and (super) short Valentine's Day ficlet haha 😂💖 It's literally less than 800 words lmaoooo


A/N: Happy Valentine's Day y'all, I hope you enjoy this little fluffy blurb! 🥰🥰🥰 True update day is still on Saturday!


"Can you close your eyes, M'Lady? Please?"

Watching as Alcina blinks above you in beautiful confusion, you shuffle from foot-to-foot in front of your Lady's vanity chair, the paper behind your back crinkling. Hearing this, your wife shifts a little in her seat, trying to glance over your head and you whine, clutching the card tighter.

"Darling—" She starts with a sigh, rubbing at the bridge of her long nose. "Is what I'm going to find placed in my hands alive in the slightest? Because the last time we played this wonderful game, you gave me a feline—"

"Uh, no! No, not this time, it's not breathing, it's just paper." You blanch, letting out a giggle. "Please, Alcina, just close your eyes. I promise you'll like it."

Gathering a playful breath, your wife lets her honeyed eyes flutter closed, holding her hands out when you tug at her fingers. Swallowing, you force yourself to gather your nerves, feeling a little foolish now that you're actually giving Alcina your gift. Peeking up at her lovely face, double-checking that her eyes are still closed and she's not cheating, you bring the card from behind your back.

Letting it in your wife's large, gloved palms, you lick your lips, keeping your gaze on the paper as your stomach twists in anticipation.

"You—You can open your eyes now."

Decorated with little red hearts, a large one in the center with a toothy, fanged grin and a hat that matches your Lady's wide rim, the paper's bright pink, sprinkled with golden glitter you'd managed to convince Daniela to share. Around the heart, the Romanian spelling of "I love you" is written — te iubesu. It's a little crude and silly but you wanted to do something for your wife for the most romantic day of the year — considering you'd just remembered about it the day before.

In your defense, you've never been great with remembering dates.

"Oh." Your wife breathes above you. You can see through your lashes as she ghosts a long finger over the drawing. "Oh, sweetheart—"

"I know it's kind of ugly." You laugh, rubbing at your cheek as your blush. "And, uh, childish."

"It's not. I adore it, truly, it's sweet."

"It's a little silly though."

Gently, Alcina reaches out, cradling your jaw in her hand. Her thumb brushes over your cheekbone, lifting your face so that you can make eye contact. Her gaze is a golden blaze, soft and warm like honey in the spring sunlight, her beautiful features adorn in such a raw and open adoration that your chest hitches.

"While yes, my dove, it is a little endearingly lummox, it's also incredibly adorable."

Leaning down, the chair creaking, Alcina kisses you, soft and sweet. Melting against her ruby lips, you reach out, your fingers tangling in the fabric of her dress. Pulling away when it's clear of your need to breathe, your Lady pecks down your jaw and neck, framing her lips and fangs against your mark. Biting down, she soothes the resulting sting with her tongue, pulling away just enough to talk, her words rumbling against your skin.

"What's the occasion of this lovely little present, my dear? I don't recall our wedding day being for another few months."

"Ah yeah, uh—" Letting out a small laugh, you grin up at your wife, feeling the heated flush rise higher along your cheeks. "It's Valentine's Day."

Alcina's brows furrow. "Pardon?"

"You know, the official day of love and everything." You swallow when Alcina continues to stare down at you, her golden eyes sparkling in confused mirth. "It's a holiday, M'Lady. On February 14th."

"I see." Nodding, your wife ducks down again and kisses you, unable to help herself. Catching your lips against her own, she growls low, your card resting against her thigh as she draws you closer with her large, warm hands around your waist. Whimpering, you kiss back, gasping as she pulls away, blinking the lustful haze from your eyes. "What should I reward my sweet, little generous bride with, hmm? For such a wonderful gift?"

Swaying closer, you arch upwards, trying to reach her red-painted lips as she smirks. "Kisses?"

"Oh, but draga mea, don't you think you should get more than just a few measly kisses?"

Yes. Yes, you absolutely do think so.

Happy Valentine's Day to you.

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now