Chapter Thirteen: To Be Ill

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to the lovely and wonderful @AaviNova, who's kind words and support never fails to make my entire day! They requested a sick!fic for our dear Maiden and her Lady taking care of her, so I hope you enjoy this hon! 💖🥰 Thank you so much for all of your comments, they really do mean the world to me!

As for all of my other amazing readers, I hope you all also enjoy and, like always, please don't hesitate to let me know what you think/or if you have any suggestions!! 👀💜

**TRIGGER WARNING: descriptions of illness, sickness and throwing-up**


The first thing you realize once you finally open your eyes is just how much your head is aching.

The pulse beats you down, throbbing from somewhere right behind your temples and you groan, twisting on your stomach to bury your face into your pillow. Through the fabric, you can barely make out the sounds of your wife rummaging around in the bathroom, her heels clicking along the tile floor.

After a few seconds, you try to lift your head, squinting in the early morning light. Gritting your teeth, you force yourself to meet Alcina's golden eyes as she finally comes back into the bedroom, swallowing down a sudden, harsh flash of nausea.

"Good morning, beloved." Alcina says, stopping at the head of your shared bed. "Did you sleep well?"

She leans down, most likely to press a sweet kiss against your lips, but stops a few inches away from your face, brows furrowing in worry. Her nostrils flare and she noses at your neck instead, inhaling just underneath your jaw and you shiver.

"What?" You ask, your voice raspy and you swallow, throat clicking. A cough bubbles up from your chest and you force yourself to hold it back. "M'Lady--?"

"You're sick." Your wife says, leaning back and cupping your warm face in her palm, brushing a finger against your cheekbones. Her golden eyes are soft, glowing in the darkness. "Oh, my darling. . ."

You shake your head, attempting to rise despite the way your entire body protests. "N-No, I'm fine--"

"You're clearly not, sweetling."

You frown. "But we're supposed to go to the pond--"

"Not today."

"We promised the girls, Alcina--"

Your wife tuts. "I'm sure they'll understand. I'll have a message sent to them to not disturb us today, darling. We'll go another day, when it's even warmer."


"Hush now, my stubborn little love."

A strong but gentle hand holds you down and Alcina settles herself on her side of the bed, pulling you into her arms despite your wiggling. Cuddling underneath your Lady's chin, you calm down after a few seconds, breathing a deep, wheezing sigh. You're shivering, you realize, your teeth beginning to chatter and Alcina seems to notice as well because she's curling even tighter around you.

"I'm going to have the maids make a hot cup of tea for you, sweetheart." Your wife whispers, pressing a soothing kiss against your temple. "Would you like anything to eat as well?"

The thought of eating anything right now is enough to make you swallow down bile. Shaking your head, you nuzzle your overheated face against Alcina's neck, wrapping your arms lazily around her torso and she coos, cradling you close. Her lips brush against your cheek before she's carefully leaning over, pressing the bell button for the chambermaid.

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