Chapter Fifty Five: To Be Dancing

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SUMMARY: Requested by no one lmao I wanted to write something cute and simple 😌✨


AN: Hi guys, happy Saturday! I've had this idea of the Maiden getting big speakers installed in the Opera Hall and using them to absolutely jam tf out to some cheesy, early-2000s/mid-2010s pop/club music (that Alcina would pretend to HATE but secretly listen to Adele and Celine Dion) for literal years and I finally got around to writing it 😅💖

I hope you enjoy and please PLEASEEE let me know what you think! Thank you as always for the love and support! 🥰

Also Heisenberg has a cameo because I missed writing about him lmao


Acquiring the speakers, music player and cable to connect to your phone was honestly a lot easier than you first expected it to be.

"Why on Earth are we getting these—" Alcina had asked, waving away Duke's offer of a bigger set. She glanced down at you, her brows furrowed. " — these amplifiers installed in the castle?"

"Because music, M'Lady." You argued, leveling your best puppy dog eyes up at her. "Sweet, sweet music."

"I can make us music."

"Not modern music—"

"Jazz is always in style, I'll have you know."

"Please, Alcina." You add a little wobble to your chin, internally grinning at the way your wife sighs above you. "I'll make sure they stay in the Opera Hall and that the girls don't try to mess with them. And we can even play some of your music too, from your records?"

That seems to convince your wife — and absolutely not the way you'd been sniffling, prepared to make your eyes fill with tears, she assures you later that night — and the speakers, plus all other mentioned electronics, were ordered from the Duke and shipped to the castle in a week's time.

Getting it set up in the Opera Hall was a bit more tricky. Despite your wife's large stature and sexy superhuman strength, Alcina knew even less about modern technology than you did. Sure, she could lift the speakers with an ease that made you nearly drool all over the pristine flooring, but getting anything to actually work, mechanically wise?

Safe-to-say, your brother-in-law did have his uses.

"You sure you don't want the bass boosted anymore, hon?" Karl had asked you through a mouth full of one of your chocolate chip cookies, the crumbs caught against the front of his grease-smeared shirt. "It could make these walls shake even harder than Big D does your bed."

Growing increasingly grateful that you'd scheduled this installation-family reunion thing when your Lady was cooped up in her office, you shook your head, handing the man a long black wire. Grumbling his thanks, Heisenberg goes back to connecting the cables together, his bulky frame looking a little silly amidst all of Castle Dimitrescu's elegant decor.

"No thank you, I'd hate to knock all the art off the walls." You joke, trying to ignore the way your cheeks burn in embarrassment at Heisenberg's innuendo, listening as Karl snorts.

"Suit yourself."

Finally, your brother-in-law settles back on his haunches, wiping his hands on his dirty pants. Eyeing the speakers and the connected music player, he hums as he reaches towards it again, adjusting something you couldn't ever hope to understand. Satisfied now, he rises to his full height, holding out a hand.

"Lemme see your phone there, doll. Wanna make sure that the line input is connected properly and all that."

Handing the device over after unlocking the screen, you watch as Karl carefully cradles it in his hands, much gentler than you would have assumed. Plugging it into the little port along the side of the speaker, he takes a step back so you can browse through your music library. Gnawing at your bottom lip, you hesitate over a few song choices, trying to decide which would be the least embarrassing for your brother-in-law to hear.

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