Chapter Seventy Four: To Be Celebrating [Part 3] - NSFW

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SUMMARY: Final chapter of the Maiden's birthday celebration requested by the lovely @radiohousewife (@yourdoorisunlocked) 🥰 Thank you so much for this super cute prompt hon, I had such a blast writing it and I hope you have just as much fun reading it! 💖💖💖


A/N: Hello hello, it's "technically" Tuesday for me right now (1am) but ANYWAYS - I hope y'all enjoy chapter 74 and thank you from the bottom of my heart, as always, for your incredible love and support! 🥰😭 This fic reached 6k+ kudos last week and it never fails to absolutely blow me away how unreal that is, I legit cannot thank you all enough. I hope you enjoy this fluffy, smutty chapter as a thank-you present from me to you! THANK YOUUUU 😭💖🥰

**NSFW CHAPTER - KINKS: consensual possession, praise kink, voice kink, strength kink, dom/sub, collars, strap-ons, cunnilingus, slight spanking**


It's once Heisenberg suggests moving the party to the Opera Hall for karaoke that Alcina finally kicks everyone out.

She quite literally kicks Heisenberg out, still fuming about the go-kart he'd promised to bring you within the next week. His final, gruffed hug and happy birthday wishes are jostled against you before the front foyer door is shut in his grinning face, his laughter fading as he starts back toward his factory.

Salvatore is next, his pants and boots damp from the greenhouses's pond water, unable to resist taking a small dip, it seems. His hug and well wishes are blubbered, the angry heat of your wife's gaze as he drips water across the marble floors sending him dashing out the door and down the steps before the maids have even begun soaking it up.

Mother Miranda, Donna and Angie's departure, thankfully, is a little more subdued.

"Wonderful party, truly." Miranda says, reaching out to brush a piece of hair behind your ear. Her blue eyes study you, her hands trailing to rest against your shoulders as she grins. Glancing between you and Alcina as your wife comes up behind you, she smirks. "I expect you'll enjoy the dress, fletchling?"

"Oh." You swallow, your cheeks a bashful red even as you nod. "Yes, definitely. It really is beautiful."

"And you'll look even more so when you wear it." Donna says, reaching around her mother to give you a hug, squeezing tight. Angie's in her arms, the doll's own little hands patting at your cheek. "Happy birthday, girasole."

"Thank you so much." You smile, squeezing back and grinning up at the dollmaker, stepping back against Alcina once Donna pulls away. "All three of you, honestly. This entire party—"

"We're so glad you had fun, little lady." Angie chirps, climbing up so that she's clinging to Donna's arm. She waggles her eyebrows as best she can, her wooden eyes lit up in teasing glee. "Hope you have even more fun tonight—"

"Alright—" Stepping in, Alcina sighs as she gives Donna and Mother Miranda their own hugs goodbye, rolling her eyes as Angie cackles in delight. Rising to her full height, your wife draws you gently back against her legs, her large hand cradling your waist. "I think it's time for the festivities to come to a close."

"I agree, dear sister." Donna laughs, reaching out one final time to pat Alcina's hand before turning toward the front door. Giving a gracious smile to the maid who pulls it open, she speaks over her shoulder as she starts toward her mansion, Angie giving a wave. "I would advise keeping your girls from eating all the leftover cake, I think they were fighting over the rest before they went down to the cellar. Come by for tea one time soon, yes?"

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