Chapter Seventy Two: To Be Celebrating [Part 1] - NSFW

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SUMMARY: Prompt by the lovely @yourdoorisunlocked: perhaps a birthday chapter for our lovely Maiden, and how she celebrates it with Alcina? Or maybe the other way around, where she schemes with her daughters to throw her a little party?


A/N: Hi guys, happy Monday night! I hope everyone had a wonderful past week and I hope you enjoy this semi-smutty, semi-soft birthday chapter for Maiden/Reader! 💖🥰🥳 Part two (which will include the daughters, the other Lords and MM) will be posted next week, I just wanted a little separate, intro-sort for just Alci and Maiden 😂 Thank you, as always, for your continued love and support for me and this fic, it means the world to me! 💙💚💜

ps. It's NOT my birthday lmao just to clear up any potential confusion - my birthday's not until late June

**NSFW CHAPTER - KINKS: consensual possession, consensual somnophilia (sort of), praise kink, voice kink, strength kink**


You wake to the feeling of Alcina's beautiful face between your quivering thighs.

"Hmmph—" You moan, shifting a little as your wife chuckles low against your clit, pulling back just enough to glance up at you through her long lashes, her golden eyes glistening in lustful mirth. Her large hands smooth up-and-down your legs, spreading them slightly when you instinctively jerk as you wake up, your voice slurred. "M'Lady—?"

"Good morning, sweet girl." She croons, pressing a sweet, indulgent kiss against your inner thigh. Trailing her lips across your skin, her sultry voice is a deep rumble you can feel. "Did you sleep well?"

"Uh-huh— ohh —" Interrupted by another moan as your wife laps at your soaked cunt, you let your head fall back against the pillows, gripping the sheets around you as she licks deeply, seeming to savor the taste of you with a low hum. Squeezing your eyes shut, you whimper. "Ah hmm, Alcina, Alci—"

"Shh, shh, just let yourself feel good, draga."

"Can—Can I—?"

"Cum whenever you feel ready. Such a good girl for asking your Mistress."

Nodding, you relax and shift your hips, grabbing a pillow from Alcina's side of the bed and shakily propping your head up, enough so that you can watch as your Lady eats you out. Another whine of pleasure leaves you as Alcina swirls her wonderful tongue, panting slightly as you gaze at her with half-lidded, sleepy eyes. She blinks at you below her long lashes again as she licks, her golden eyes shimmering in the dim, early-morning light, drawing you even closer with her large hands wrapped around the dip in your hips.

She groans, her tongue flicking your clit in a way that is just right, your back arching slightly as you chase the pleasure, despite Alcina showing no signs of stopping.

"Ah, ah Alcina—"

She draws the orgasm out of you slowly and lovingly, her hands continuing to caress your thighs as they shake. Eating you through it as you give a low wail of her name, she murmurs sweet praises and endearments as she greedily laps. Pulling back when the overstimulation is clearly becoming uncomfortable for you, she wipes her mouth and your arousal-glistening cunt with a tissue, throwing it away and crawling back up so that she's leaning above you.

" Draga mea, iubirea mea." She whispers as she leans down, ghosting her ruby lips over yours. Her golden eyes gaze into yours, filled with so much honeyed adoration that you melt a little into the sheets below you, reaching up to wrap your arms gently around Alcina's neck. She pecks you between words, one of her hands trailing up to cradle your cheek. "Happy birthday, sweetheart."

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now