Chapter Fifty Four: To Be Decompressed

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SUMMARY: Prompt by @no one lmao I just wanted to write a cute, date chapter before the end of the year 😅 Including wine, cheese&crackers, bad jokes and some sexy kissing 😌💅🏻


A/N: Hi guys, happy Thursday! 🥰 I hope everyone had a wonderful, festive and safe Christmas/Holiday and I hope your gateway into 2024 is just as great! 💚❤️💚❤️ If I don't post anything again before the 1st of January (which is likely), I just want say thank you so much for all of y'all's support and love for this fic/me during this year (despite the slow updates at the start). Your kind words and sweet comments mean more to me than I can ever express and I can truly never thank you enough for helping to get me through one of the worst years of my life 😅

ANYWAYSSSS HAPPY NEW YEARRR and I hope to see you all in 2024! 🙌🏻🥳✨

**TRIGGER WARNING: some bdsm jokes/innuendos**


"I want to go on a date."

Crossing your arms across your chest, you level your best grin up at your wife from where she sits at her desk, her strong back hunched over a few last-minute letters needed to be finalized. Shifting closer to her seated form, you watch as she blinks down at you from over her reading glasses, her lovely brows furrowed and her ruby lips pursed in a small frown. It smoothes, however, at the sight of your smile and she sighs, tugging off her glasses and setting down her pen, turning toward you.

"A date, beloved?" Alcina asks, reaching down to gently cradle your face in one of her hands.


"Right now?"

"Please. If you're not busy—"

"Well—" Drawing you closer with a gentle tug, your Lady pulls you up the rest of the way into her lap, the lean muscles in her thighs flexing. Resting a steady, warm hand against your own thigh, Alcina brushes the tip of her nose against yours, her sultry voice soft. "What do you have in mind, darling?"

"I was thinking maybe we could go to the garden?" You ask, chewing on your bottom lip. You obediently release it, however, when your wife brushes her thumb against your chin with a small huff. "Nothing crazy or anything. I just—I miss you, with how much you've been working."

"Oh, sweetheart." Alcina sighs, kissing your temple and down your cheek. Her hold around you tightens, her golden eyes honeyed in the glistening light from the windows. "I've missed you as well. I think a nice evening walk in the courtyard sounds absolutely lovely."

Your wife cradles your face in both of her gloved hands now, brushing her thumbs against your cheekbones. Nuzzling against the soft leather, you blink up at her sweetly, your eyes fluttering shut as she leans forward and kisses the tip of your nose, wiping away the small smudge of her red lipstick that's left over afterwards.

Letting you slide back to stand on your own feet after a second, Alcina adjusts her wide hat with an elegant flourish. "I suppose we want to prepare some delicacies, hm?"

"I already did." You admit with a bashful laugh, grabbing at Alcina's hand.

"Oh?" Your Lady tilts her head in interest, her golden eyes twinkling. "You truly do wish to go on a date, then."

"I packed you some wine."

"Consider me convinced, draga mea. "

Laughing again, you shake your head and start walking toward the door, tugging at Alcina as you go. She follows willingly, her long fingers lovingly squeezing against yours and you flush, leading her down the hallway and stairs. Stopping in the kitchen, you lug open the fridge, brushing aside leftovers from the night before to grab the basket you'd packed earlier. Grunting softly at the weight, you blink gratefully up at Alcina as she takes it from you, tucking it under her arm.

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now