Chapter Twenty Two: To Be Attacked [Part 3]

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A/N: Hi guys! 🥰 Here's the unplanned Part Three to that! I hope you all enjoy and thank you so fucking much for all of your kind words and love, it never fails to make my entire day! 💖💖

PS: I've never written Donna or Angie before (besides that little part in the performance chapter lmao) so I'm sorry if they're OOC at all 😅

**TRIGGER WARNING for references to past domestic abuse and violence**


It's been about a week since the lycan attack and despite the way your Lady constantly hovers near your side, your ankle is healing nicely.

"Shouldn't be too long now, corkscrew." Heisenberg had said the day he finally left Castle Dimitrescu, glancing down at your foot as he carefully undid the bandages from the night before. "Few more days of wraps and then you should be good to go."

You're sitting up in bed, propped up against Alcina's chest and you can feel the vibration of her low growl against your skin. She gets like this whenever anyone comes near you now, all possessive and protective and you would be lying if you said it didn't make your chest warm. You do hope, however, that she would get a little less anxious as you got further and further along in the recovery process.

"Are you certain?" She speaks up as Karl finally leans back, gently adjusting you in her arms as to give her brother more room to work. Her brows are furrowed when you glance back at her, perfect lips pulled in a frown. "Wouldn't it be wise to keep her ankle covered for longer?"

Heisenberg scoffs, tugging his hat down lower over his own brows. "The infections are mostly all out, now it's just a matter of keeping it clean and dry. Listen, Big D, I know you're worried but settle the fuck down just a bit."

"I will settle down --" You Lady snarls, holding you even closer. "--when my wife is no longer bed-ridden because of your foolish mutts, little brother."

At this, your brother-in-law loses his smirk. He sighs, reaching up to rub at the back of his neck with his free hand, his other adjusting his grip on his hammer. "Yeah, well, I said I was fucking sorry, all right? Don't know what else you want from me--"

Leaning forward as best you can, you reach out toward the mechanic, setting a comforting hand against his arm. Gray eyes flicker up, meeting your own and you smile.

"It's all right, Karl." You say, watching as his face smooths out, at least a little. "I'm lucky to have a brother-in-law like you."

Clearing his throat, Heisenberg carefully steps back after a few seconds, double checking that your ankle wrap is secure before making his leave. He gives a small wave over his shoulder, brushing away the well-wishes you send his way.

"Heisenberg--" Alcina starts, holding out a hand in the man's direction just as he's open to step out. Giving a sigh, your Lady continues. "-- Karl . Thank you."

"Don't sweat it, 'Cina." Your brother-in-law waves away his sister's words too, clicking his tongue. His gray eyes are soft in the early-morning light, however, when he glances at the both of you over his shades. "I'd recommend getting Donna to come over within the next few hours, she might have something that'll get corkscrew's foot fixed even quicker."

And with that, your brother-in-law leaves with a final half-hearted flick of his wrist. He closes the door behind him, leaving you alone with your wife and you snuggle closer with a silent sigh.

"What kind of stuff does Donna have?" You ask after a few seconds, reluctantly lifting your head from the comfort of your Lady's chest.

Alcina glances down at you, her golden eyes soft. Leaning down, she peppers a few loving kisses against your cheeks, speaking the words against your blushing skin. "Flowers and such, beloved. She's quite talented with healing remedies, I don't know why I didn't think to bring her here before."

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