Chapter Three: To Be Poisoned

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A/N: I'm honestly really REALLY proud of this chapter lmao 😅 I hope that you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it and please don't forget to let me know what you think! 💖🥰 Thank you so much for all of the lovely words you've left me so far, it really means the world to me!

**Trigger Warning for Attempted Murder, Death, Slight-NSFW Themes and Bad Language**


It's been so long since you've had any guests in the castle.

Granted, it's only two people, one of your only friends from the Town Market and her husband. The husband you've never met, only heard about in passing a few times, but if he's anything like Elizabeth, then you're sure he'll be just wonderful.

If only you could convince your stubborn wife of the same thing.

You had brought it up a few days ago, pausing in spreading butter along your toast. Alcina sits across from you, sipping at her own glass of wine and you watch as she swallows, tracing your eyes down her long neck, before meeting her amused golden gaze.

"Like what you see, darling?" She teases and you blush, ducking your head for a few seconds. Finally, you gather yourself again, taking a bite of toast before speaking.

"Do you think we could have some people come visit?" Alcina pauses in raising her glass up to her lips again, studying you with a now narrowed gaze and you struggle against the urge to squirm in your chair, reaching across the table to grasp at your wife's hand. "Please, M'Lady, just for dinner? We don't have to throw a massive party or anything."

If anything, your reassuring words seem to have the opposite effect because your Lady frowns, brows furrowing. Giving her hand a squeeze, you break out the puppy-dog eyes, watching as slowly, very very slowly, Alcina's resolve begins to crumble.

"Fine." She grumbles after a second, glancing away from you with what is absolutely not a pout. You cheer, bringing her knuckles up to press a kiss against them and she responds in kind, leaving a trail up your arm until she can nip at your neck, causing you to shiver. "My silly little Maiden, tricking me with your beautiful eyes."

This time, it's your turn to glance away, tilting your neck obediently to the side when she swipes at your mark with her tongue, a soft groan leaving you unbidden. She growls in response, carefully pulling you over the table. You straddle your wife's legs, wrapping your arms around her neck.

You never do finish your toast.


It's the day of your get-together with Elizabeth and her husband -- James, you learn, is his name -- and you couldn't be more nervous. You pace the walls of your bedroom, feeling your wife's worried eyes trail after you with each step but you can't seem to calm down.

"Oh God, this was stupid --" You mutter, shaking your head. "She's probably not even coming, stupid, stupid --"

"I won't have anyone talking about my wife that way," Alcina says, suddenly stepping in-front of you and you jerk against her legs, craning your neck to meet her eyes. She leans down, smoothing back a stray lock of hair from your face and you melt against her. "Especially not my sweet Maiden herself. What's got you so worked up, my dear?"

"Just worried," You say, shrugging. Alcina tuts, reaching down and lifting you into her arms easily, pressing a sweet kiss against your lips. You fall against her with a sigh. "Always get nervous before company, might just be social anxiety."

"Hmm." Your wife cups your cheek in one warm hand, setting you down after a second. Her golden eyes, when you meet her gaze, are clouded in worry and you feel a hot flash of guilt shoot down your spine. "Perhaps it's a good idea to call this off then--"

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