Chapter Ten: To Be Destined [Part 2] - SEMI-NSFW

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A/N: And here's Part Two of their first meeting for you guys, as promised! 🥰 I hope you all enjoy this chapter and thank you! 💙💜💙💜

Please don't hesitate to let me know what you think or suggest a prompt for future chapters! I love you!! 💖🥰



"Are you ready to talk now, my beloved?" Alcina finally says, and you blink your eyes open, reluctantly lifting your head from her chest.

You nod, reaching up to rub at your eyes, not missing the way your Lady practically coos at the action, one of her large hands cupping your chin and you lean into the touch. You're still spooned in her lap, her strong arms wrapped around your waist and you try desperately to ignore the way your center burns in desire.

"Where should, uh where should we start?" You ask, watching out of the corner of your eye as the three daughters shift closer, their own golden eyes wide. "Our bond--"

"I'm afraid I can't answer why it's here." Alcina cuts you off, gesturing between the two of you and your eyes follow the movement, swallowing. "It's different than anything I've ever seen and since I've felt the first lingering traces of it all those months ago, I've been trying to find anything that could bring its origin to light."

"That's why you were in the library so long. . ." One of the girls, the blonde -- Bela, you remember - whispers, her sisters echoing the statement.

Alcina nods, the orange glow of the fireplace reflecting in her golden eyes. "Precisely, my dear. But I was unable to find anything of use and gave up after a few weeks. I thought I would always feel that way, that it was something new, another side-effect of that bloody parasite--"

Cutting herself off, your Lady swallows a few times before meeting your confused, worried eyes again. Her beautiful face is pinched, brows drawn and you barely hesitate before catching her hand in yours, pressing a sweet kiss against her knuckles that has her sighing, her eyes fluttering shut. When they open again, they're glancing down at you with such a raw, adoration-filled gaze that your chest hitches.

"It's calm now." She says and you nod, because it is calm.

That ache that had filled your chest, that had been filling your chest for months, was only a dull pang now, easily brushed aside by the feel of your Lady's warmth against your own.

"It feels right?" You find yourself asking, needing to know.

"Feels perfect." Alcina answers, brushing the words against your lips. "Though, I can't imagine how it must have felt for you, before."

"I thought it was--" You start, a shiver wracking your frame and Alcina holds your tighter, brushing a kiss against your temple. "I was in a really bad spot for a while, I thought it was that. I thought that-that once I got away from him , that it would go away. . ."

Your Lady tenses underneath you, barely noticeable but you can't help feeling it just the same. You blink, meeting Alcina's honey-colored gaze through the muted glow and you shiver for a completely different reason at the possessive gleam in her eyes, at the way she growls low, nothing more than a deep rumble in her chest.

"Him, dove?" She asks after a few seconds, her voice calm and soothing despite the way her large frame continues to tremble.

"My ex-fiance." You whisper. Just thinking about him, about the vial things that he did to you, the way he treated you, causes tears to spring to your eyes and you're quick to duck down, hiding your face against your Lady's neck, breathing in her sweet smell. "He hurt me, M'Lady. He hurt me really badly and I had to get away, I had too--"

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now