Chapter Sixteen: To Be Comforting

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to both the lovely @TheRealJLRules and the amazing @BeckyBoop on AO3, who both requested the Maiden taking care of her Lady. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and thank you so much for your support and love! 🥰

As for everyone else, I hope that you also enjoy! 💜💜💜

**TRIGGER WARNING: descriptions of injuries, murder and near-death experiences**


Your Lady's beautiful face is clenched in pain underneath of you.

A man had gotten into the castle, armed with only a small poisoned dagger but it was enough to slash through Alcina's dress, a long line of red starting from her midsection, running all the way down her left side. She'd managed to stay conscious just long enough to slash her own claws into the bastard's throat before she collapsed.

You found her, laying practically lifeless on the floor of the castle's foyer a few seconds later, your own breath catching in your lungs as you had dropped to your knees next to her slack face.

"A-Alcina--?" Her name is barely a whisper on your lips. You reached out, hands trembling, cradling her head in your palms. Her face had pinched, barely and you choked on a sob. "Please--"

"Mama?" Daniela's voice, clogged with her own pain, sounded behind you. Bela and Cassandra echo the question, the three of them coming up to stand on the other side of their mother's still form. "What's wrong with Mother?"

"I-I--" You swallow, forcing yourself to speak around the agony clawing up your throat. "The man, he-he had a knife, poison, it's--"

Bela's hand against your shoulder has you jerking up, meeting your eldest daughter's distressed golden eyes through the castle's gloom. "We need to get her cleaned up, she's-she's still breathing, Mama, she'll be okay."

Heaving a breath, you nodded, pushing aside your grief, your worry.

Alcina was breathing, she was. You could feel each of her lovely exhales pushing against your hands, could see how her chest rose and fell slightly and you blinked back even more tears. Her skin was pale, moreso than normal, contradicted by the slash of red running down her side and your eyes tracked its descent before tearing your gaze away.

"Right." You said, standing yourself up with a confidence you don't feel. "Let's get going then, girls."

Reaching down, you grabbed at your wife's slack hands, brushing a kiss against her knuckles, lingering for a few seconds. You pressed your Lady's fingers against your cheek, something deep inside of you aching to feel her react, for her to cup your chin and tell you to stop worrying.

All you get, however, is more of the same lifelessness and you swallowed down a sob.

Together, you and your daughters carefully carry Alcina away from the man's disgusting corpse, your arms hooked under hers. Her beautiful face is under you, gently swaying with each tentative step you take and you find yourself staring at her slack features, beautiful even in unconsciousness, as you go, willing with everything in you for her golden eyes to open and meet your own.

By the time you all finally make it up to your and Alcina's shared bedchambers, your legs are shaking from exhaustion. You push through it, however, carefully lifting your wife onto her side of the bed. She went easily, settling along the covers on her back and you breathed a sigh.

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