Chapter Seventy Six: To Be Relaxed - SEMI NSFW

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SUMMARY: Dedicated to the wonderful @The_Vampiress on AO3 for the lovely chapter idea/inspiration 🥹💖 Thank you for always screaming with me, fellow Leah, I love youuuuu! 🥰


A/N: Hi guys! Happy Monday! 🥰 This originally wasn't the chapter I was planning on writing today but honestly, work was SO STRESSFUL on Saturday and Sunday, I needed to write something soft and fluffy for myself haha I hope y'all enjoy this anyways and I'm still working on that prompt list (I have a good one planned for next week so keep an eye out 👀). As always, thank you for all the love and support, it means the world to me and I AM going to respond to comments from last chapter ASAP, I just got super busy this week! 😅


"Are you comfortable, beloved?"

With a small grunt, you nod, burying your face deeper against Alcina's chest as the hammock sways a little. The greenhouse is pleasantly bright and smelling of fresh flowers, the late-spring sunlight fogged and warm. Shifting underneath you, your wife rumbles in bliss at the warmth of your body against hers, leaning down to press a sweet kiss against your forehead.

"Hmm're you?" You mumble, feeling her chest jump against your cheek as your Lady chuckles.

"Very much so, sweetheart." She says with a sigh, cradling your cheek with her free hand, her other caressing your waist.

"Good." You yawn, leaning up to kiss sweetly at her collarbone, nuzzling your forehead against her skin. "Glad my plan is working."

"Oh?" Alcina hums, brushing back a stray lock of your hair. "And what plan would this be?"

"To help you relax, M'Lady." You say, kissing at her smooth, creamy skin again, little pecks that cause her chest to hitch under your lips. Her arms tightening around you, she kisses at your forehead in appreciation, the hammock under both of you swaying.

"You say that like I'm not relaxed all the time, my little bride." She murmurs, Her kisses trail downwards, toward the curve of your jaw and you gasp softly, tilting your head to the side as she nips lightly. "Have something you wish to tell me?"

"No ma'am." Your voice is slightly breathless, your hands clutching tighter at her. "You've been working a lot, is all. I think your office has seen you more than our bedroom has."

"Ah." She clicks her tongue, her kisses transforming from playful to soft and she nuzzles closer, pressing her nose against the top of your head and breathing in deeply. Her golden eyes are warm when you shift to blink up at her, her thumb brushing across your cheekbones. "Thank you, darling. I apologize—"

"You don't need to say sorry or anything, Alci." You giggle, waving away her apology and scooting upwards so you can peck at her crimson lips, humming at their sweet taste. "I'm not upset or anything, I promise. I know it's harvest season for your wine vineyards, trust me. All those profit numbers and measurements and grape inventory, makes my head hurt just thinking about it, ugh—"

"Try to think less then, sweetheart." She teases, booping your nose with her own, her smile so beautiful you melt. "We wouldn't want that pretty little brain of yours overworked, hm?"

"Oh ha-ha." You scoff, reaching up to poke her cheek, squealing as she playfully snaps at your fingers. Flopping back against her boobs, you groan softly as you stretch your legs out, your entire body curling against Alcina's chest and torso. "I'm so glad we got this thing, it's so nice."

"It is." She agrees, sticking one long leg out the hammock and pressing against the ground, getting it rocking in a way that's so soothing you feel your eyes start to flutter closed. Resting her cheek against the top of your head, your wife runs her free hand through your hair, her long fingers — gloveless and soft — scratching lightly at your scalp. "Maybe we need to make sure you're relaxed as well, draga."

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now