Chapter Thirty Eight: To Be Thievish

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A/N: Hi guys! I hope you all enjoy this chapter and thank you so much for the warm welcome back, love and support that you always show me!

Also, I'm "officially" taking prompts again for this fic so if you have an idea for a future chapter that I should write -- can be fluff, smut, hurt-comfort, angst, etc. -- please feel free to share and I'll get to it ASAP


Alcina didn't wear many clothes besides dresses, you notice.

"They're comfortable." Your wife explained when you'd finally asked, brushing a stray lock of hair behind your ear. You were in her lap, pressed against her chest and you glanced up at her through the library's glisten, meeting her beautiful eyes. "Easier for my seamstress, also, considering my height."

"Plenty of legroom, for sure." You try to hide your smirk against your Lady's neck. "Not that I'm looking . . .that much—"

Alcina clicks her tongue, gently booping your nose. "Little minx. But I suppose you are right—"

"When am I not right?"

"A plethora of times, my one true. If the times that you were incorrect were singular grains of sand on a beach, we'd need two beaches, perhaps even three."

You huff, shifting in her arms. "How can you manage to sound poetic even when insulting me? It's not fair. But anyways, domestic abuse aside—"

This time, it's Alcina's turn to huff. Reaching down, she cups your chin, raising your head until your eyes meet hers again. Her lips are just as soft as her kiss against your forehead and you sigh, curling up tighter in her arms. "Always a flair for dramatics, sweetheart."

"You're one to talk, M'Lady. I do learn from the best, after all"


Tutting in faux annoyance, Alcina makes no move to disagree, however, and you quickly add that to your mental 'times I was right' tally before focusing on your wife. Straightening back up from under her chin, you reach up this time, cupping your Lady's sharp jaw in your smaller hands. Her smile is red in color, as sweet as a rose and you bask in the beauty for a few seconds before continuing.

"But yeah, the dresses — I mean, sure legroom is nice but they're not very practical." At Alcina's furrowed brows, you elaborate. "Like, what if you have to run from a hunter or something? That's a little hard to do in a dress, M'Lady."

"A Lady does not run, beloved."

Your eye-roll is so profound that it nearly hurts. "I'm talking hypothetically, Alcina. Can you at least think about maybe wearing something different? You might like it even more and trying new things is always nice. Expanding your horizons and all."

You think, despite how much your lovely wife will deny it, that your puppy-dog eyes managed to convince her far more than your words ever really could.


When Alcina actually manages to get the new clothes, you don't consider stealing any of them until around the second week.

She's wearing them more than you'd first thought she would. It started with a pair of dress pants, cream white with a dark belt along the top, the next a red-knit sweater, her jeans a deep gold nearly the exact color of her lovely eyes. You were staring, she'd already caught you about a million times at this point but you couldn't force yourself to care, not when your Lady looks so beautiful, so exquisite in her new clothes.

"I got us matching shirts, M'Lady." You announced, pulling both yours and hers from the gigantic bin the Duke had dropped off. "We can wear them to bed, I think."

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