Chapter Thirty: To Be Claimed - NSFW

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to the wonderful and amazing Vi on Discord. I love you hon and I hope you had an awesome birthday and that this chapter is able to help cheer you up, just a bit. Thank you for being my friend and for all of your love and support, you're one of my favorite people! 💖🥰

I hope all of my other wonderful readers enjoys this chapter too! I'm sorry for the slight delay, real life and all that but thank you for your patience and understanding, it means so much! Enjoy the marking chapter! 💙💜💙💜

*PS: Mother Miranda is nice in this fic because I love a good found-family trope yes yes*



As much as you loved your wedding party, you couldn't wait for it to be over.

Alcina's seated next to you, her arm resting against the curve of your waist and you glance over at her from over your wine glass, meeting her sparkling golden eyes. Despite having gazed at her lovely figure for the entire night, the breathless love and adoration that fills your chest each time still catches your breath.

She's your wife now.

That thought alone, nevermind the fact that it's true, nearly has you sobbing in absolute joy and wonder.

"Having fun now, darling?" She asks, leaning down to kiss at your forehead. Her lips are cool, soft and you lean into the gentle caress of them. "Still feeling on edge?"

"A lot of fun, yeah. Better than-than before." You grin, grabbing at your wife's free hand, intertwining your fingers. She looks so beautiful in her wedding dress, her veil pulled back behind her dark curls that you can't resist the urge to reach up, pressing a chase kiss against her ruby lips. "What about you, M'Lady?"

She smiles into the kiss, tugging you even closer until you're practically in her lap. "I'm getting a little restless myself now, honestly, my dove."

"Oh." You feel a hot spike of desire shoot through your center, and you swallow, tilting your head to the side when Alcina's lips trail down to press along your pulse. She nips at the exact spot where she'll mark you tonight and you arch up against her fangs, needing her close. "Anything that I can-can do to help?"

Her answering chuckle is deep, vibrating against your skin along with her possessive growl and you let out a nearly silent whine, gripping at the front of her dress with trembling fingers. She responds in kind, lifting you up and fully into her lap with ease, smoothing out the front of your own dress with her long fingers.

Around you, the party's still going on.

Vaguely, through the music, you can hear what sounds like Heisenberg and your daughter's singing along to the beat, Karl's voice slurred.

He had approached you a few minutes after the reception ended, stepping aside Alcina from where your wife was chatting with Donna. You were still reeling from the dip Alcina had plunged you in, the searing kiss she'd pressed against your lips now merely a tingle and you wish, for a split second, that you could continue where you'd left off.

Tipping his signature gray hat, he'd reached out, grabbing at your free hand with one of his large ones, startling you from your thoughts. His gray eyes had sparkled, mirth edged into his features, in the castle's back gardens sunlight.

"Welcome to the family, corkscrew." He had said, his grin full of tooth and gritty love. "Not that you weren't already apart of it but you know what I'm saying—"

"Thank you, Karl." You smile up at your official brother-in-law, squeezing the hand still holding yours. "It means a lot, truly."

"No need to thank me, hon." Releasing your hand, Heisenberg clears his throat, glancing up at Alcina after a few seconds. Smoothing his face back into his natural scowl, he sends a semi-playful punch against Alcina'a arm. "Congrats on finally tying the knot, Big Bitch."

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now