Chapter Forty Seven: To Be Menstruating

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A/N: Here's one last chapter for y'all before I'm officially forced back into being an actual, functional member of society instead of a raging, sick bisexual cooped up in her apartment lmaooo 😭 I hope you guys enjoy this one and please PLEASEEEE don't hesitate to let me know what you think, I cherish and adore every single comment I get from all of you, it truly makes my entire day/week/month/year/LIFE better! 💖🥰

**TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of periods, cramps, menstrual cycle things, crying, mentions of dicks (for a joke)**


Rolling over in your and Alcina's gigantic bed, you barely have a good five seconds of reprise before your cramps make themselves known again.

Letting out a little moan of pain, you're quick to roll back over onto your stomach again, drawing your legs up to your chest in a poor attempt to escape the stabbing pain in your uterus. The week leading up to your period, you're just incredibly horny, with mood-swings and irritability galore but now, the last two-to-three days before you actually start to bleed? It's a combination of all of that, plus the feeling of your uterus trying to claw its way up your small intestines.


Letting out another little, pained whimper as the cramp flows through you, you scrunch your face up, trying to stay as still as possible until the pain passes. It takes a few, breathless seconds but finally, the pain dies down and you relax with a harsh sigh. Suddenly very much aware of how you need to use the bathroom, you gather your trembling legs underneath you, not looking forward to leaving the warmth of your bed or the relatively short trek down the hall.

Despite your ailments about leaving from under your covers, you finally force yourself to rip the blankets from over your bare legs, trembling immediately as goosebumps rise along your body. Grumbling, you reach up to rub at your eyes as you stagger toward where your wife's evening robe hangs, the fluffy white cotton adored with her scent and you bring it up to your face.

Breathing in deeply, you're both annoyed and unsurprised when tears sting your eyes.

Shaking off the way your heart aches for your Lady's comfort and warmth, you slip the robe on over your shoulders, the rest of it flowing behind you like a fuzzy cape. You hope, as you start to trail down the hall toward the restroom, that Alcina isn't too upset about the dirt that's probably going to stain the white fabric once the day's over.

Doing your business — after being forced to unfortunately take the robe off in order to do so, the act spouting more tears to your eyes and you grit your teeth at your neediness — you wash your hands and splash water along your face, your eyes bloodshot and exhausted when you blink at yourself in the mirror.

Letting out a huff, you dry your face and exit the bathroom, your Lady's robe smushed back against your face again. You're so absorbed with pressing your nose against the cotton and not crying that you bump into Bela, the blonde's golden eyes peering down at you in concern.

"Mama?" She asks, taking a small step back and reaching out to steady you. "Are you okay?"

Sighing, you force yourself to nod, wrapping your arms tighter around Alcina's robe. "I—yeah, yes, I'm fine—"

"You look tired—" Her face pinched, your eldest daughter ducks down so she can see your face more clearly, resting her palm against your cheek. You're reminded so strongly of your Lady that you swallow, flickering your eyes from Bela, down the hall behind her, where the closed door to Alcina's office sits. Catching this, the blonde smiles reassuringly. "Don't fret, Mama, I'm sure Mother will finish with her paperwork soon—"

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