Chapter Eight: To Be Curious - SEMI-NSFW

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A/N: So, uh, yeah -- Sexy blood-wine drinking is always fun to write lmfao 👀😅

In case any of y'all are confused, the bite/mark Alcina gave the Maiden made her around 10ish-percent vampire, which is why she was able to heal herself in the last chapter 🥰 I promise, PROMISE that I'm going to write about their first time/first meeting soon, I just actually have to plan that out instead of spending an hour word-vomiting at my computer at almost 1am 😂❤️

Also, please don't think too hard about where they got the wine from, I'm still deciding how I want to the do the whole "torturing people and taking their blood" thing, but it will be explained.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter and please don't hesitate to let me know what you think! I love you all lots! 💚💚💚



"Can I try a sip of your drink?"

Your wife pauses, her glass of wine half-way to her lovely mouth. She frowns, glancing down at you from where you're leaning against her chest, your book now set aside. Her golden eyes study you, narrowed in confusion and you sit up, shifting against her lap.

"This drink, darling?" She finally asks, glancing from you, to her wine, and then back to you.

You grin. "No, the other one."

Your wife's frown deepens before she scoffs, reaching down to boop at your nose. "Little minx."

"You love me."

"I do." Despite having known this, it never fails to take your breath away. Your grin becomes a slightly dopey smile, made even worse when Alcina leans down and presses a sweet kiss against your lips. You shiver. "My darling little brat."

"Only for you," You say, the word ending in a laugh when you Lady kisses the tip of your nose this time, her golden eyes gleaming. "But can I?"

"Can you what, sweetling?"

"Try your drink? Please?"

Your wife sighs, shifting you so that you're turned around fully in her lap now, one arm wrapped around her neck while the other starts reaching toward her glass of wine. She raises it up, however, just out of your reach and you pout, glancing up at her face through your lashes.

"Stop it with those beautiful eyes of yours." She scolds and you just make them even bigger, even going as far as to force your chin to wobble, just a little bit. "No."

"But why--?"

"It has blood in it, beloved." She explains, and you frown again, still pouting. Her free arm comes around, settling along your waist and you lean into it despite your annoyance. "I can have a maid bring us a glass without if you want--?"

You shake your head. "No, I want to try yours. I'm part vampire now anyways, so--"

"Barely even ten percent, my dear." Alcina says, her gaze going from your eyes to your neck, where your mark sits. You reach up as well, brushing a finger over it and shivering at the feeling. Your Lady smirks. "Why the sudden interest, hmm?"

You shrug, biting your bottom lip in-between your teeth and your wife tuts, smoothing her thumb across your mouth. You press a kiss against her finger instead, feeling her breath hitch.

"I dunno," You whisper after a few seconds, swallowing as your middle warms, shifting again in your wife's lap. Her arms tightens around you. "Can I just please try it, at least once?"

Finally, your wife relents with a sigh, carefully bringing the cup down to your eye-level. You stare at the red liquid sloshing inside, feeling a nervous anticipation start to build up in your chest. You try to reach out, to grab the glass but Alcina shakes her head, holding it out of your reach again.

"Allow me, dear heart."

At your nod, Alcina brings the wine back down, carefully holding it up to your lips and you hesitate for only a second before leaning the rest of the way forward. Your breath ghosts over the glass, and you feel your Lady's knuckles bump softly against your chin, a different type of shiver wracking your body at her touch.

Finally, you take a sip.

And immediately gag.

The taste of the blood is a lot stronger than you thought it would be, coppery and metallic, almost completely covering up the normal sweetness of the wine and you force yourself to swallow. A cough causes your chest to jump, your eyes watering and you feel Alcina carefully sit you both up, her hand coming up from your waist to gently rub at your shaking back.

"Breathe, darling, shh." She whispers, brushing a kiss against your forehead. You suck in a gasp, hacking for a few more seconds before falling back against her, your chest still heaving. "There we go, there we go."

"That--" Your voice comes out as a sort-of croak and you clear your throat. "That was really gross, I'm sorry, M'Lady."

"Don't be sorry, sweetheart." Your wife chuckles a bit, the sound light. You grin despite the horrible taste in your mouth, resisting the urge to run to the bathroom to rinse. "Like I said, you aren't fully a vampire, so it makes complete sense for you to find the taste of blood revolting."

You sigh, snuggling further into her arms again, listening as she sets the glass onto the little table beside the couch. Around your room, you watch as the mid-day sun filters through the tiny cracks in the blinds, flickering around Alcina's lovely face as she glances down at you.

Her eyes are bright, little speckles of bronze and gold shimmering in the dull light and you find yourself drawn toward the glint like a helpless moth to a flame.

"I think I might need help." You find yourself saying, leaning forward. "M'Lady--"

She follows your movements, her beautiful eyes glancing from your own to your lips, her hand around your waist again, drawing you closer. You grind down against her, just enough for her to feel just how wet you're becoming in-between your thighs and she growls low in pleasure, pupils dilating to a deep, dark black.

The gold flickers around the edges, like a solar eclipse and you whimper.

"And just what does my darling, lovely, curious little Maiden need help with, hmm?" She whispers, fangs just nipping past her lips and you grind down again, more desperately this time. The hand around your waist is slowly moving lower now, fingers grazing against your thighs. "Use your words like a good girl."

"The --" You cut yourself off to moan, tilting your neck to the side even as you lean in closer and closer to Alcina's perfect lips, watching as they stretch into a lovely smirk. "The taste--"

"You want me to lick away the blood from your delicious mouth, darling?" The words are so soft, breathed against your lips and all you can seem to do is moan again, squirming in your Lady's possessive hold. "Your words, comoara mea dragă --"

"Y-Yes. Yes, please."

You've barely gotten the words out before Alcina is darting forward, catching your lips in a seering, butal kiss and you try your hardest to retaliate with just as much passion. Her tongue curls around yours, tasting every inch of your mouth, her growl of pleasure vibrating your entire body and you grasp at her with both hands. She thrusts up against you, cupping your chin and tilting your head to the side, deepening the kiss.

The taste of the bloody wine against her own soft lips, however, is as sweet as honey and you find yourself drinking her in just as much as she does you.

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now