Chapter Fifty Six: To Be Tense

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SUMMARY: Prompt by @someone (lmao): I know someone requested a chapter where the maiden got a tension headache somewhere but I cannot, for the life of me, find where the prompt is at or if I'm just imagining someone left it and I'm slowly growing crazy 😭 BUT ANYWAYS, if you requested this, I hope you enjoy and please let me know ahhh 💖💖💖


A/N: Hi guys, happy Friday night! 🥰 I hope you enjoy this cute, mushy hurt-comfort chapter because I've had SO MANY FUCKING TENSION HEADACHES in the past 2-weeks, its not even funny and I'd kill to have Alcina hold me lmaoo 😭 Anyways, please enjoy and don't hesitate to let me know what you think/any prompts or ideas you have! 💙💚💙💚

PS. I AM working on a chapter where Alcina/Maiden use toys during sex/Alcina uses a strap-on, I just have to plan it haha but yes yes that's also in the works! 😉


Blinking wearily up from your novel, your face pinches as the headache that's been brewing behind your eyes for the last few hours finally nestles in deep.

Despite this, you dredge a weary sigh, reaching up to rub at your tired eyes. The book in your lap is one you can't bear to put down — a birthday gift from Daniela, the cover shimmering and the dark leather bound tight — despite the way your skull aches. Rubbing again, more harshly as your eyes sting, you sniffle a little and shift lower on the loveseat, your legs practically draped across the floor.

"Ugh." You groan. "Fuck—"

Against your better judgment, you tilt the novel back up so that you can read the words on the page. They swirl in-and-out for a couple of seconds — the orange flickering of the firelight certainly not helping in the slightest — and you blink harshly, trying to get your dry, exhausted eyes to focus.

Finally, you can read more than a single letter at a time and you start at the top of the right page. You don't really remember where you left off, the painful beating behind your temples making concentration all but null. Vaguely, you're aware of the doors leading into the library creaking open, the familiar footsteps of Alcina circling around the side of the large sofa. Despite the pain in your head, you're engrossed in your book enough to nearly miss the small kiss she places along your brow, leaning absentmindedly into the brush of her ruby lips.

She studies you for a moment; the heat of her intense, golden eyes unmistakable and you swallow.

"Enjoying the novel, beloved?" The other woman asks after a few, breathless seconds pass and you nod, still pretending to keep reading. She laughs, the cushions underneath you dipping to the right as she sits. "I'm glad, although it is incredibly rude of you to withhold those pretty little eyes from me, hmm?"

A flush rising to your cheeks, you bashfully tear your gaze up from the page, blinking instead at Alcina's beautiful face, adorn with her half-moon reading glasses. Her raven curls are free from her regular pins, falling in lush, soft waves that end right below her broad shoulders and you feel your hands itch to run through the dark locks. Her alluring, honeyed gaze, narrowed slightly, seems to peer right through you when you force yourself to meet her eyes again and you swallow.

You pray with everything in you for the shadows of the firelight to hide your exhaustion.

"I'm sorry, M'Lady."

Your wife hesitates for a heartbeat, and you suck in a silent breath, barely forcing yourself to keep from tensing. Finally, she sighs, settling deeper into the couch next to you.

"I am feeling increasingly lenient tonight, draga mea. You're forgiven." Alcina says, her tone serious.

However, the corners of her ruby-painted lips are tilted up in mirth, her golden eyes now sparking behind her wireframes and you giggle, both at her joke and in relief that her scrutiny seemed to have been sated for now.

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