Chapter Forty: To Be Comfortable

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A/N: Hi guys, I don't really know what to say honestly. I'm sorry for the hiatus, I've had a lot to deal with and I had a small mental breakdown in late May, but I'm a lot better now 😅 Thank you so much for still continuing to stick with me and this story, it means more to me than I can really explain 💙💚💙💚 I hope you enjoy this fluffy and soft chapter, I feel like we all sort of needed it haha

I'm going to try my hardest to update every Monday again, I promise. This story -- as well as all of my others -- will never be abandoned, sometimes life just kicks my ass and I need time to deal 😂💖


There weren't many days where both you and Alcina actually wake up together in bed.

Falling asleep? Every single night, your face squished against her chest and her arms wrapped around you, protecting you from the chilled castle air. Mornings, however, when the sun finally pokes its head above the horizon, were spent unfortunately alone, with only a wisp of your Lady's perfume, a smudge of her lipstick against your cheek or forehead and a note promising a reunion before lunchtime.

This time, it's thankfully different.

It isn't a special day, not really. No anniversary, no holiday or birthday or anything of the sorts and yet, when you start to rise from slumber, feeling your wife's own chest rise and fall underneath you, it feels like the start of a pretty wonderful day.

Sniffling, you blink, shifting in her arms and Alcina growls low, the sound as deep and soothing as distant thunder. Her voice vibrates against your ear. "Good morning, dove."

"Good—" Cutting yourself off to yawn, you weakly lift your head, meeting your Lady's golden eyes through the early-morning shimmer. "Good morning, M'Love—"

"Did you sleep alright, darling?" Adjusting her hold, your wife carefully lifts you higher in her arms, tucking you under her chin instead and you sigh in bliss, gently grabbing at her nightgown. "No nightmares?"

"No nightmares." You confirm with a nod, pressing a sweet, sleepy kiss against Alcina's collarbone and she coos, echoing yours with her own against your forehead. "And, don't take this the wrong way, M'Lady, but, uh, why are you here? I mean, it's kind of late—"

Alcina laughs, the sound warm. "Quite late for me, yes but early for you,"

"Too early for riddles, M'Lady, please—"

"Oh, it's never too early for wordplay, dove. What's that saying again — the first thoughts should always arise along with the sun?"

"You made that up."

You can feel more than see your wife's teasing smile. "What if I didn't, hm? Are you calling your darling wife a liar, beloved?"

"If the shoe fits—"

"Getting into the spirit of things, comoara mea , I'm so pleased."


Cutting off your fond groan with another kiss, Alcina finally relents, cupping your cheek in one of her warm hands, her other gently pulling you closer. "Mother canceled the meeting, rang the telephone even earlier than normal to tell me, I'm surprised you didn't hear it, darling."

"Must have been sleeping too deep." Shrugging, you nestle back further against her, breathing in her sweet scent. "Is everything okay? With Mother—?"

"Oh, yes, yes, sweet love, she's fine. Heisneberg's complaining these past few days must have been good for something other than causing our ears to bleed, I'd assume—"

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