Chapter Twenty Nine: To Be Mugged - SEMI-NSFW

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A/N: Hi guys! 🥰 I hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far and that you are staying safe and healthy! I also hope that you enjoy this chapter and, just a little FYI, the Marking Chapter is 100% going to be the next one (Chapter 30) so keep a lookout for that within the next few days! 😉

Thank you all so much for all of the love and support, it really does mean a lot to me and I hope that you enjoy! 💖💖💖

**TRIGGER WARNING: graphic violence, murder, semi-nsfw themes, attempted mugging/assault**


The first time Alcina kills someone in-front of you, you're completely, utterly in both awe and love with her.

It's the first time you've been out of the safety of Alcina's territory since you arrived here a few months ago. The first time you'll be venturing to the market alone without either her, a maid or the daughters watching over you and the thrill of it is riddled with anxiety. That anxiety was shared with your Lady, who had taken you into her arms not 30 minutes prior, pressing both her lips and her scent against your skin.

"Can't be too careful." Is all she says once you manage to force yourself to pull back, leaning into the gentle caress of her hand against your cheek. Her eyes study you below her hat, twin golden suns. "The sort of people you might meet in these lands. . ."

She trails off, brows furrowed and you reach up this time, brushing a kiss against her cheek that has her sighing. "I also met you here, M'Lady."

Her laugh is breathless, lingering in the back of her throat. "I guess that's true, beloved. I think I'm just--"

"Overprotective." You supply, smirking. "Possessive?"

Alcina laughs again, booping your nose. "I was going to say worried, darling. You haven't been marked, you aren't claimed to me, at least in the proper way--"

"I thought you said that didn't matter?" Your chest hitches, just once. A gnawing of your own fear starts in your stomach, rabid like a rodent with it's last meal. You swallow. "I-I don't understand, I thought that w-we could wait, our marriage--"

"It's in a year, yes, little love, I know."

"I don't understand."

"Hush now, dearheart." Cooing, Alcina brushes a stray lock of hair from your face, framing your cheeks in her large, warm hands. Her nostrils flare, scenting your distress and her chest rumbles underneath you. Her lips are soft against your skin. "I don't mind waiting, love. Not for you, never for you."

"Then what do you mean?"

She sighs. "My instincts, they made it difficult for me to allow you out of my sight for long without your neck bearing my mark. It's not you , darling, but I fear what someone would be willing to risk when they aren't aware of the protection that you possess."

An understanding sparks under your skin. "You need something showing that I belong to you."

Alcina's high cheeks heat in an unexpected blush and she ducks her head, tilting her hat so that you can barely see her face. She's frowning now, clearly taking your words as a complaint. "I apologies, my one true, if that makes you-you feel uncomfortable. . ."

"It doesn't." Reaching up, you carefully frame your Lady's face in your hands this time, tilting her jaw so that you can duck underneath the wide brim of her hat, meeting her glistening, honey-colored eyes. Leaning forward, you nuzzle against her cheek. "I promise, Alcina, it doesn't, not at all. I just--Is there a way for you to show your claim without actually marking me? At least not-not right now."

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