Chapter Fifty Seven: To Be Imitating

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SUMMARY: No one requested this at all LMAOO please enjoy anywaysssss it's not very long though I'm sorry 😅


A/N: This was inspired by rewatching some of the Dimitrescu House Signings that Bekka, Nicole and Maggie (VA's for Bela, Daniela and Alcina) did a few-years-ago bc I was bored and then I wanted to write something fluffy and dumb and silly so here's Maiden trying on Alcina's hat and being goofy LMFAO I hope y'all enjoy and let me know if you want more fluffy chapters, they're so much fun to write sometimes! 💖🥰

ALSOOOO I'm aiming to update every weekend, either Friday nights or sometime on Saturdays (since that's my one full-day off) 😌 That's the plan unless I get a random burst of inspiration during the other days of the week (like tonight haha)


Your Lady wears an extremely large hat.

Obviously, you know this. Whether the headdress is perched on her lovely head or placed on the half-mannequin in her side of the closet for safe-keeping, it's never alluded you just how wide the black fabric is stretched. It's soft despite its size, you've felt it against your fingers or forehead often enough when kissing Alcina to know, the press of its wide rim sending pleasant tingles down your spine as your wife pulls you closer.

Now, you stand in-front of the tall, full-body mirror in the corner of your shared bedchambers, your Lady's hat atop your own head.

It's heavy, as well. It takes a little more effort than you first suspected to lift both it and your head up toward the mirror. The rim of it slides across your face, obstructing half and you giggle to yourself at the unintentional imitation of your wife.

"Stupid man-thing." You drawl in a sultry mimicry of Alcina's sexy accent, pretending to take a long, slow drag of your fake cigarette. "I'll slice you to ribbons!"

Swishing your dress, you stomp across the room and turn sharply back around, puffing out your chest. Stalking toward the mirror, you raise your hand and slice through the air with your 'claws,' the attempt humorous. Getting an idea, the act of imitating Alcina making you a little giddy with mirth, you quickly swipe one of her spare lipsticks from her makeup vanity, popping the gold cap and twisting the bottom.

Smearing it, a little messily, across your own lips, you pop them a-few-times before turning back to the mirror.

Doing a few silly poses, your hand behind your head and propped against your hip, you laugh. Gathering another deep breath, you take a drag of your fake cigarette, puffing out your chest again. Tilting your head down, you try to imitate the way you've seen Alcina glare, the way her hat is obviously, painfully much too big for you making the act lack the normal harshness.

It certainly doesn't have anything to do with your lack of razor-sharp claws or fangs and your pitifully short legs.

Not at all.

Clearing your throat, you pucker your red lips, making your voice as assertive as possible, putting as much Alcina-flare in it as you possibly can.

"Rest while you can, because I will hunt you. . . and I will break y holy motherfucking shit !"

Alcina's behind you, her golden eyes narrowed in both suspicion and amusement as she meets your gaze through the mirror. Nearly jumping out of your skin with a harsh yelp, you curse as her hat gets knocked from your head as you instinctively flinch. Swooping down to catch it, you ungracefully knock back against your Lady's legs as she sways closer.

"Sorry, sorry, M'Lady, jeez, fuck, uh— How—How long were you—I mean—?"

Chuckling at your helpless rambling, your wife reaches down and takes her spare hat from your hands. Instead of putting it back on her mannequin, however, she plops it back on your head instead, thumbing the dark rim.

"Adorable." She murmurs, pursing her ruby lips. Bringing her large hand down from her hat, she cradles your cheek in her palm, her gloves soft and worn against your skin and you flush. Brushing her thumb across your cheek now, she laughs again. "Feeling shy now, are we?"

"It's embarrassing." You grumble, crossing your arms. "I was just messing around. I was so bored, M'Lady."

"So you decided to adorn yourself with my spare hat and paint your lovely, pouty lips with my lipstick, draga mea ?"

"I—I was going to put them back." You argue, huffing and blinking up at her through the mirror, watching as her honeyed-gaze flickers across your face and down into the reddened, flush of your cleavage. You shiver, glancing down at your shoes. "Are you mad?"

"Oh no, no, beloved." Alcina shakes her head, tilting your head back up so that your eyes meet again. She clicks her tongue, leaning down and nuzzles at your cheek, uncaring as the rim of her hat causes your own to tilt dangerously to the side again. "It made my evening that much more delightful, I can assure you."

"Because I look stupid."

Gripping your chin, your wife growls low, narrowing her eyes. "You do not."

"I feel stupid, then."

Alcina tilts her head, looking so much like a large, confused cat that you almost can't keep from giggling despite the embarrassment currently making your cheeks a harsh red. "Why do you feel foolish, darling?"

"Because you're laughing at me, Alci."

As though to prove your point, your wife lets out another husky chuckle, shaking her head. "Because you are so cute, love. You don't need to feel embarrassed about it."

"Ugh." Groaning, you lean forward and rest your forehead against her collarbone, fully smushing your face and causing her spare hat to finally tumble to the floor. You can't bring yourself to care, however, fully focused on showing your mean, abusive wife how hurt your feelings are by her teasing. "Don't look at me."

"Sweetheart—" Gathering her strong arms under your thighs and ass, Alcina pulls you up and into her embrace. Ignoring her spare hat that's at her feet, she coos, nuzzling her lips sweetly against your temple and across your flushed, red cheeks. She speaks between her pecks, her voice a low rumble. "Why wouldn't I gaze upon the loveliest, most adorable little maiden in all of Romania?"

"Because, uh—" You shrug as you fail to find a valid reason, a warmth swooping your belly at your wife's praises. "Because you love me?"

"Darling, that just makes me wish to look at your beautiful face even more."

"I really can't win here, huh?"

Alcina laughs, pressing her cheek against your own, her pheromones rich and deep in the air and you inhale deeply. "I don't believe so, comoara mea, but you are putting up a valiant fight."

"I'm really, truly not but thank you anyway, M'Lady."

"Hmm." Your wife sighs at your sass, her large hand squeezing at your ass just slightly and you whimper. Leaning down, she brushes her lips against the shell of your ear, squishing you tighter against her ample chest. She growls low in pleasure at the way you squirm. "I do have to admit, though, my one true— my lipstick that you painted your pretty little mouth red with?"

You swallow, arching against her lips. You whimper. "Y-Yes—Yes ma'am?"

"It would look much better kissed across your exquisite thighs, painted by my own lips, don't you agree?"


You absolutely do agree. 


A/N: Thank you for reading! ❤️❤️❤️

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