Chapter Eighty One: To Be Baking [Part 1] - NSFW

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SUMMARY: Prompt by the lovely @fanfictionist: Omg I just love these chapters could we perhaps get one of maiden getting into some kind of heat, like it's a side effect of being Alicia's mate?


A/N: Hi guys, happy Monday! 🥰 I hope everyone had a wonderful past week and that you enjoy this self-indulgent, sexy mush haha This Friday (June 28th) is my 25th birthday, so what a way to celebrate the start of my birthday week than some Alcina porn LMAOOO 😂 Thank you all, as always, for your incredible love and support and I hope you enjoy part 1 of this prompt! 👀💖 The next part will delve more into the "heat" aspect, this is just setting it up and something I wanted to write as a treat for myself for my birthday haha

**NSFW CHAPTER - KINKS: heats, fingering, bdsm, consensual possession, slight-exhibitionism (nothing major), voice kink, strength kink, praise kink, teasing, slight-spanking**


Yeah, the cookie dough absolutely needs more chocolate chips.

Humming softly to yourself, you grab a handful and pour them into the bowl, stirring with a little grunt. It's not cookie-baking season, technically. The tail-end of June has been increasingly, disgustingly hot lately, enough that even your daughters have strayed from going outside until the sun's setting. You don't even attempt that much, not wanting to work up a sweat in the muggy heat unless obviously forced to.

So no, not cooking-baking season but still, you've been craving more domestic things to do around the castle this past week. Fluffing yours and Alcina's pillows, going through your closets and organizing the clothes, spending hours in the greenhouse tending to the flowers. One of your camellia flowers, the pink one Alcina had gotten for you as a present, has a new bloom budding and yes, you did cry about it.

It's not your period that's making you extra emotional — more needy than normal, in more ways than one — because you aren't due to start for another two weeks. You've been so horny lately, it's nearly painful at times; a low, deep ache between your legs that nearly has you panting at Alcina's feet, quivering and whining. You don't do that, however. Despite how much you crave your Lady, you still do possess a bit of self-control and you don't want to bother her, not over something as silly as mere ovulation cramps. And soiled panties. And shoving your own fingers into your cunt when your wife isn't around to help you.

Well. Whatever it is, it's a lot and baking treats is much easier than sitting around, worrying about it — or bothering Alcina. Plus, chocolate chip cookies are delicious.

Glancing over your shoulder toward the oven with a scowl, the timer is still glowing bright red, your first batch of cookies making the air smell like vanilla and warm, melted chocolate. You sigh, turning back toward your cookie dough. Dipping a finger in, you bring it up to your lips, doing a little hip-shimmy at the deliciously sugary flavor.

"Enjoying your sweet treat, darling?" Alcina's voice sounds behind you and you startle a little, twisting to meet her golden eyes as she ducks through the kitchen doorway.

"Hi, M'Lady." You chirp in greeting, wiping your finger on your apron with a small laugh. Leaning back against your wife's legs as she comes to stand behind you, her large hands settling along your shoulders, you raise your spoon up toward her, trying desperately to ignore how much you want her to bend you over the counter. "Want some cookie dough?"

"No, thank you, honey." Alcina says with a shake of her head, leading down to nuzzle her cheek against the top of your head, inhaling a deep breath. "I think I'd rather enjoy something else, hm?"

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