The Mutant Zebroid Thing

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I just got a rainbow zebra/unicorn cross #yolo

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Tessa: hahaha you are so weird XD

—78 people like this—

Magnus: No I really did

Alec: what would that be, a zebracorn?

Jace: Noo, it's a zorse.

Jace: With a fake glued-on horn and dyed stripes

Magnus: Seriously, it's a rainbow-coloured zebra with a real horn. Its dad is a unikorn demon. The rainbow stripes are just faerie magic, and it's permanent, which is srsly epic

Clary: Wow, I think he's telling the true

Alec: It's still called a zebracorn. Or a zebrakorn, idk


Simon: Let's just call it a mutant zebroid thing

Will: Simon you are such a nerd

Simon: Thanks :)

Jem: So where exactly did you get this mutant zebroid thing?

—Simon Lewis likes this—

Simon: who da man? You da man! @Jem Carstairs

Magnus: um anyway, I inherited her from my old friend Xira Marr. She ate too much of her dear owner's hair products

Simon: It's a she?

Magnus: Yerp! Her name's Iris. And I'm going to get another pet from Xira, a gubbit named Globule

Will: Gubbit?

Jem: Globule?

Magnus: goat/rabbit cross. Eats WAY too much lettuce/hair/aluminum foil. Thus, his name

Magnus: CRAP

Magnus: Iris just ate my hair gel!!! NOOOOO! I'm gonna die! by the Angel WHAT HAVE YOU DONE

Alec: Magnus is freaking out over here

Alec: i think his life just about ended

Jem: Anyway

Jace: Jem, that whole "Anyway" thing is getting srsly annoying


Jem: then what else can I say?


Jace: idk

Jem: Well, then

Jem: Anyway


I want a mutant zebroid thing sososo bad now hahaha

I named Iris after the Greek goddess of rainbows, because PJO. ;)


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