Boredom is Still Striking...

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~continued from When Boredom Strikes, Part 2~

Simon: Okay, who wants to enter the cave first?

Tessa: I'll do it

Simon: k

Simon: You roll an 11

Simon: Tessa the Brave goes ahead into the cave while you all crawl behind her, urinating yourselves in terror. You take ten steps in before realizing that you have no light source

Clary: Hey, woah! Just realized! Don't we get weapons???

Simon: oh heh, I just assumed you'd all get a seraph blade. Except for Magnus and Tessa. Magnus can use his sparkly blue magic, and Tessa...

Simon: um

Simon: Tessa, what kind of weapon do you like? Or do you want to be a mage/wizard/warlock?

Tessa: well, I'm kindasorta a warlock IRL, so... I'll be a warlock

Will: wait

Will: You aren't going to think about this? Aren't you even a little indecisive? 

Tessa: No

Tessa: Why?

Will: Oh

Will: okay

Will: weird

Will: carry on...

Simon: O-kay

Simon: So, someone needs to find a torch

Jace: Or a witchlight stone!

Simon: Right, because you could totally find a witchlight in the middle of nowhere without an Iron Sister in sight...

Jace: Clary could turn a rock into a witchlight stone with a rune!!!

Clary: How? and also, I don't have a stele

Simon: ...can you use a stick?

Clary: A STICK? Really, Simon?! that would burn the thing

Alec: Use a seraph blade

Simon: You can do that?

Alec: Worth a shot

Clary: I might burst into flames

Alec: Eh. Try it

Clary: Wow, I feel so warm and fuzzy inside. Love you too, Alec.


Simon: You know, we could easily just make a torch...

Simon: Fine. Clary, you roll a 9

Simon: Oh jeez

Simon: So, you do your voodoo magic. The blade starts to light up, and it looks like (weirdly) it's working, but then you hear a noise deep in the cave. It startles you, making the tip of the sword slip and nick your skin. The rune magic mixed with the heavenly fire causes a bright burst of light. When you all can see again...

Simon: Clary...

Simon: You are the witchlight

Clary: seriously?

Clary: FAIL

Clary: Okay, so now I'm a walking flashlight. Do I have powers over heavenly fire like Jace did?

Simon: heh, no. You just look like a flourescent bulb

Magnus: WAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Magnus: !!!!!!!!!!!!

Magnus: !

Simon: What is?

Magnus: So we heard the monster thing in the cave... but where is it now?

~to be continued even more...gah...~


FUN FACT: I rolled an actual 20-sided die for each roll, and then used those numbers for the fic. And that, my fangirls, is a useless factoid. ;)

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