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Yunho stared at his hands on the kitchen bench, almost jumping through the roof when San put a glass of water before him.

'Yun-ah, are you okay?'

Yunho stalled, nodding as he took a deep breath. 'Of course. Why wouldn't I be?'

San sat down opposite him, watching. 'I don't know... I guess I just kind of got the feeling you weren't...'

Yunho tried hard to focus all of his energy on his glass, and none on listening for god only knew what from the bedroom down the hall...

'San-ah... D-does he do that a lot?'

San frowned. 'Mingi? Does Mingi do what a lot? Sleep with men?'

Yunho choked, coughing and then sipping on his water to calm down. He nodded, not able to meet his eyes.

San leant back, sighing. 'Not really. Maybe once in a blue moon.'

And that surprised Yunho. He had expected the answer no. Never. 'W-what? But isn't that unhealthy?'

'As in terms of mentally, or like, STI's?'

Yunho felt unbelievably uncomfortable talking about this topic. 'Both, I guess...'

San gave him a small smile, before taking a deep, steadying breath. 'Is it unhealthy? Not really, no. Maybe if we were talking about someone else, then I'd agree with you one hundred percent. But Min is really mature and has a really high sexual literacy. He knows exactly what he wants, and what he doesn't want. He's smart and he knows how to be safe.'

Yunho bit at his lip, hardly able to believe that the Mingi he knew, was capable of hooking up with random people... 'I don't get it...'

San laughed softly. 'Yun, you come from an incredibly conservative and over-stifling family. Min lost his mom when he was little, and he grew up seizing life and making the most of it. He never rushed himself, and he did everything when he was ready to take that particular step. He understands the role sex plays in his own life, and he knows what significance it holds for him and how it is different for everyone.

Every once and again, he goes out and gives himself a breather from work, has some fun, and maybe he makes out with someone, or maybe he sleeps with them. Sex is a part of normal life, you know that. It's just that he chooses to sleep with men. But that doesn't make it any less normal. Min makes his choices, and then he comes home and he studies and lives his life, which is what he's best at doing. Living.'

Yunho felt strange. He was starting to see parallels between how he saw Mingi, and San's description... like how he could see how Mingi was confident and at home in his own skin... But to sleep with strangers... 'Surely he dates them first...'

San shrugged.'Mmm... Not always. Min's never had trouble attracting guys. He's had his fair share of casual one nights.'

Yunho's eyes widened. 'H-how...' He didn't even know what he wanted to say. His ears were burning from listening, but his mind was also jarred from the turn of events. 'H-has he had... b-boyfriends...?'

'Yeah he's had a few... steady... relationships over the years. I wouldn't say they were exactly serious, but he's definitely had mature relationships.' He took a sip of his water as he seemed to fall into a memory. 'I remember he used to date this really nice guy back at school. I seriously thought those two were going to move in together after they graduated...'

As he trailed off, Yunho sat forward. 'What happened?'

San shrugged. 'They got accepted to different uni's. They were hours apart and it wouldn't have worked for them, so they mutually decided to split up.'

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