Season 2~
The only Kdrama on Wattpad-
Eight boys, eight stories, eight people who are just doing their best when the sun rises each morning, to push through the new day, and navigate the rough waters strewn before them that is 'life.'
Pushing throu...
As alarms in the operating theatre blared around them and pulses rose in every person within earshot, Yunho's jaw was dropped as he, and another student witnessed the horror of Dr. Kwang royally fucking up.
Hands now shaking, Dr. Kwang was so startled that he was doing more harm than good, and the poor patient on the table was bleeding out as a result of it.
'We should call Kim Sa Bu,' the first assist on the surgery said, but was immediately met with anger and abuse.
'Just shut up and suction!'
Yunho felt like screaming. Beside him, he glanced at the poor first year student from another university that watched on with sheer terror across her face, and tears in her eyes. The fear was evident, and Yunho felt sick that this poor girl had to witness such a horrifying event.
'Kwang Saem,' the first assist urged, but when he was met with more rebuke, Yunho had had enough.
'Mingyu Sshi!' he snapped, the rude title catching literally everyone's attention in the rom. 'Do your fucking job,' he snapped, alarms blazing as the patients vitals dropped far below safe ranges.
'How dare you spea-'
Yunho snapped. 'Why do you never do your fucking job! Call in Kim Saem! Make the call! You don't fucking know what you're doing! Do you want to kill this woman like you killed that patient years ago?!'
And then the doors to the theatre opened, interrupting everything in the room. Kim Sa Bu walked in, a shaky nurse hurrying over to gown and glove him.
And Kwang Saem had the guts to address him. 'We're okay in here. Get out of my operation theatre.'
There was a long silence that was deafening before Kim Sa Bu spoke up, the room falling to immediate silence as his voice boomed around the room.
Not paying him anything more than a glare for half a second, Kim Sa Bu walked over and glanced at the woman's vital signs.
'Did you call him?!' Kwang Saem asked the anaesthesiologist like she'd betrayed him, complete disgust and shock lacing his almost childishly tantrumatic voice.
'Do you call yourself a doctor?!' Kim Sa Bu suddenly yelled, startling him enough to make him drop the instrument in his hand and stagger back. 'Get out.'
Yunho couldn't believe it, his jaw dropping as Dr Kwang - Yunho's most disgusting vile enemy - started to argue.
And Yunho couldn't take it any longer. He couldn't stand there and watch that. Feeling like spitting on him, he reigned in his anger and stormed to the door, kicking the lever with his foot far harsher than necessary to trigger it to open.
He pushed out the door the instant it was wide enough to fit through, however the first step he took outside, he came to an immediate halt as he almost ran into somebody.
He glanced at Mingi for a moment who was standing there with his hands help up before him, washed and ready to enter the theatre.
But Yunho felt so much anger within him that he was almost teary and his chest felt so tight, overwhelmed by horrific memories he would rather have left deep in the past, and the images accompanied by the sounds of the still screaming alarms of the woman on the bed in critical condition.
Pulling his eyes away from him, Yunho and stepped around him and strode away, without a second glance.
He was so angry. All he could think about was how badly he needed to get away from that operating theatre, and how much he wanted to strangle that man.
A/N: Lol episode of the day. Happy 200 episodes, I'm ✨embarrassed✨
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*me ignoring how long it is and just going with it...*