336 🩺 Emotions Flying Left & Right

499 58 39

A/N: Sorry I'm late, I accidentally slept in 😬

Yeosang opened the door to their unit for Wooyoung as they arrived home, watching fondly as he shrugged his coat off.

'Woo babe, come give Hyung a hug,' he whispered, extending his arms towards his brother.

Wooyoung's sleek eyes instantly looked up, searching him for what might have been wrong. He walked up cautiously, as though he wasn't quite willing to jump into his arms just yet, using his time instead to study his face.

But Yeosang just smiled, ushering him closer. 'Woo hun, did you know how proud I am of you?'

He swept the blonde into his arms, ignoring as Wooyoung frowned in confusion. 'What do you mean? Why?'

Swaying them a little, he rested his chin up on his shoulder and closed his eyes, breathing in his homely scent.

'I just am, hun. I'm proud of how independent you are, and I'm proud of how you've built such a strong life for yourself... I may not particularly like that you used to sell your body for money... But I'm starting to notice how you built confidence in yourself and your body... And I know this sounds weird, but I was hanging out the washing to dry this morning, and I noticed your choices in clothing are starting to reflect how you feel as a person... It makes me so happy to see that you're secure in your own skin...'

He wasn't crying, nor was he on the verge, but Yeosang felt extremely emotional. He was so incredibly happy for his brother.

And suddenly, he was becoming both nostalgic, and unwilling to let the days pass by that he had imagined since he was just a boy.

Having determined that he wasn't upset, but only going through a fond moment, Wooyoung hugged him back tightly, humming as they swayed.

'Sangie, I know you feel all these things but... I'm just happy that you're here with me. I don't care about anything else. I'm only happy if I have you.'

Yeosang felt his heart explode with love for him. Squeezing him tightly, he suddenly had an urge to surround himself with his family. 'Wooyoung-ah, do you want to go see mom and dad?'

His face suddenly washed with confusion. 'But I thought we were seeing them for dinner with Joong Hyung tonight...? Aren't we going anymore...?' he asked sadly, his eyes filling with disappointment.

Yeosang melted. 'Yes, hun. Yes we are. But I just miss them, and I kind of want to go earlier...'

Wooyoung's lips pulled into a wide, excited smile. 'Okay~. But we still have to stay for dinner,' he said sternly.

Yeosang nodded. 'We will, hun~. I promise~.'

He couldn't wait to go and see his parents. He missed them, and he just wanted to be surrounded with the people he loved...

That was the reason.

And not at all because he'd seen Jongho at the recital, and the wound in his heart had opened, once anew.


Yunho had insisted that he drive Mingi home, but in the end, he'd lost to the (more than valid) argument that the bus was literally only one stop away.

But despite the car park being in the opposite direction to the bus stop, he had walked Mingi there nonetheless.

Why? Well it was simple. He just wasn't ready to part yet.

After having Mingi glued to his side for the better part of three hours, he already knew he would miss him, the moment they separated.

And as they descended the stairs to the bus stop, he could already feel himself wishing that they had more time...

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