244 🩺 Uber x 2

424 49 25

With coffees in hand, Seonghwa and Mingi sat on the couch in the oncall room; Seonghwa resting at one end, and Mingi at the other. Leaning against the armrest instead of the backrest so he could face his friend, Mingi cradled his coffee against him, soaking up its warmth.

'So what was the S-O-S Uber ride for this morning? I thought you and the coffee guy were friends?'

Mingi groaned. 'Friends who slept together.'

'I gathered that much. So what happened?'

Sighing, Mingi pulled his legs up and hugged his knees next to his coffee. 'I'm starting to get vibes from him...' He glanced down, almost ashamed to show his eyes. 'But I'm not ready for a relationship...'

Seonghwa nodded, giving him a small, sad smile. 'Yunho?'

Mingi nodded. A pang of pain hit him as the image from the Coffee Corner crossed his mind; the two hand in hand, staring emotionally at each other... 'Hwa... I think he's seeing someone... I saw them...' His voice was so badly pained, and it tore deep gashes into his heart.

Seonghwa's eyes softened immediately. 'Are you okay?'

Mingi bit his lip, feeling his pain bubble up. Unable to speak, lest he choke up and start crying the tears he hadn't allowed to fall, he just shook his head. Hugging his coffee between his knees and his chest, he glanced down, a single tear slipping down his eyelash and into his coffee with a tiny splash.

Seonghwa immediately shuffled over and put a hand on his knee, rubbing gently.

'Hwa I don't want to see him anymore. It hurts.'

'Then you don't have to see him, Min. If it hurts, then don't. Don't make yourself suffer.'

Mingi nodded, glancing up at his friend. He smiled as soon as their eyes met, his heart warming a little. 'Hwa, I feel like I never see you anymore. Where have your been hiding?'

Seonghwa gave his knee a small squeeze before putting his now empty coffee cup on the coffee table and leaning back. 'I have no idea. Working, I guess... And spending time with Hongjoong...'

Mingi felt his heart flutter for his friend, distracting him from his own emotional pain. 'Oh my gosh, you're still seeing him! Tell me everything.'

He watched as his friend's cheeks flared a deep crimson red, staring down at his hands in his lap. 'I have no idea how this happened...'

'It's not rocket science. Two people like each other.'

Seonghwa's lips pulled into a small smile, one he was clearly trying to hide. 'He put in our relationship declaration this morning...'

Mingi's eyes widened. 'Holy shit. You guys are serious.'

His cheeks blushed as he tried to wipe away his smile. 'I may have also accidentally told him I loved him...'

'What?!' Mingi immediately put down his coffee and started pushing his shoulder. 'Oh my god Seonghwa!'

Laughing, he pushed him back, rolling his eyes as he blushed. 'Calm down, it's not that exciting. He didn't say it back.'

'That's because you were eye stalking him for ages before he even knew who you were.'

'Oh god. No need to made it sound weird-'

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