Yunho had gone for almost his entire shift without seeing Mingi once. He didn't know why the fuck he had noticed, or even cared, but as he glanced at the clock, he started to wonder whether he would see him at all.
With only half an hour to go before he was officially off work, Yunho felt like hope was fading. Once again placed in ED, it wasn't surprising that he hadn't seen him. It was like another world down here.
Hearing his name, he turned around to see his preceptor walking over to him. 'Yes, Saem?'
'I've just been called to theatre, but I'm not going to make you do overtime. You're literally not getting paid. Go home.'
Yunho glanced at the clock. 'Are you sure?'
'Yeah one hundred percent. Go home. I'll sign your timesheet tomorrow.'
'Thank you, Songsaengnim.' He bowed politely, before watching his preceptor smile and turn to briskly make his way to the operating theatres.
Twenty five minutes... he thought, and he didn't know why the hell that made him feel disappointed...
Surely, it wasn't because he was finishing half an hour before the rest of the students on that shift...
Sighing, Yunho grabbed his stethoscope and papers, and made his way to the locker rooms to get his stuff.
Feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket, Yunho stiffened. It's probably the Director wanting to kick me out of his hospital.
Almost hesitating to even read the notification, he didn't pull his phone out until he got to the change room, safely by himself.
But when he pulled his phone from his pocket, he stared at it for a few movements.
New Message - Rose
Hey~ I'm so excited to meet u tonight~~ 🌺 🌸 🌹 I just wanted to make sure that u were still free :)After a few moments of complete unmoving stillness, Yunho suddenly groaned. Stepping back until his back rammed into the lockers and his head fell back with a thud against the steel door, he let the hand with his phone swing down to his side, and brought his other to royally mess up his hair.
He'd forgotten all about her.
Glancing at the time on his phone and cringing at the text as he saw it, he groaned again, letting his head fall back just as hard as the last time.
Three hours.
Racking his brain for an excuse to get out of it, Yunho sighed. There was no way he could nicely say that he didn't know why he agreed to it in the first place, and that he wasn't interested in meeting anyone, especially when his own life wasn't under control.
Sighing heavily, he turned and opened his locker, pulling out his bag and switching his work coat for his home one, dumping his stethoscope and papers into the bottom of his locker. He stared at his scrubs from yesterday all crumpled and carelessly strewn aside.
Why was it taking so long to hear from the Director?
Closing the door and pulling his bag over his shoulder, he put it aside.
One day at a time. Deal with now, first. Ignore tomorrow.
And so upon walking out of the locker room towards the entrance and the bus stop, he pulled out his phone and sent the text that he'd been fucking dreading to Rose.
👍 See you at 7~~~

The Odd Doctor Out | A Drama | S. 2
Ficción GeneralSeason 2~ The only Kdrama on Wattpad- Eight boys, eight stories, eight people who are just doing their best when the sun rises each morning, to push through the new day, and navigate the rough waters strewn before them that is 'life.' Pushing throu...