242 🩺 Surprise News

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Seeing Hongjoong's car pull up into the loading dock next to his work, Wooyoung gladly made his way over and got in.

'How was work?'

Wooyoung g groaned. 'Please tell me you brought painkillers, or have a mobile pharmacy in your glove box.'

Hongjoong laughed beside him, nodding. Opening the centre console, he pulled out his prescriptions and passed them to him.

And Wooyoung had never been more appreciative. 'Thank you,' he moaned, taking a water bottle from the door of the car and immediately taking two of the little tablets. 'I thought I was going to die.'

Hongjoong gave him a concerned look. 'Are you sure you're ready to go back?'

Wooyoung nodded.

'And you're sure you're not just doing it because of money, right?'

Wooyoung groaned. 'No, Hyung. I'm going back because I really, truly feel I'm ready. I'm only in pain because I caved and helped Margret to move some boxes. I learned my lesson!'

Hongjoong's eyes widened. 'I said no heavy lifting!'

Sheepishly, Wooyoung avoided his gaze. 'I thought you meant like, heavy lifting. They were just normal boxes...'

'Okay well let me amend that. No lifting. At all. Your body isn't ready to take on weight yet, and your pelvic floor isn't as toned as it used to be. Woo you were in hospital for a long time. Do you want a hernia?'

Sinking into his seat, Wooyoung shook his head. 'No... For what its worth, I told them I'm not doing any more...'

'Good.' Hongjoong gave him a hard gaze at him for a moment before checking his mirrors and indicating to pull out. 'Oh by the way, your mom rang earlier.'

Wooyoung's eyes widened. 'Really? What did she say? Did you talk to her?'

Hongjoong bit his lip, seeming to consider whether or not to keep talking, and Wooyoung immediately became impatient. 'What?! Ya you better tell me!'

Hongjoong laughed. 'I think you should ring her back. It's nothing bad! Its just that they have news.'

Wooyoung frowned. 'News? Like what?'

'I don't think I shoul-'

'Hyung just tell me. Did she say not to tell me?'

'No... not exactl-'

'Good. Then stop being a baby and tell me. Does Sang know?'

Hongjoong laughed a little, giving in. 'Yes, he knows. You've probably got texts from him... Are you sure you don't want to hear it from them?'

'Tell me.'

A smirk grew on his face, not even surprised. 'Fine. Your parents are retiring. Apparently they are selling up down south and moving into the city so they can see you two more.'

Wooyoung suddenly gasped, feeling his chest fill with emotion. His eyes suddenly went teary, and as he stared at his Hyung, he'd never felt happier.

'Aww Woo, don't cry...' Eyes focussed on the road, Hongjoong reached out a hand to comfort him, but Wooyoung swatted it away.

'Focus on the road,' he said sharply, wiping away his tears.

He saw Hongjoong give him a small smile, albeit facing straight ahead, and as they travelled down the street, Wooyoung felt like his pain had been cured. Pulling out his phone, he checked his messages, and indeed, he had many missed texts and calls from his brother.

'I can't believe they're going to be here,' he whispered.

And Hongjoong nodded. 'I only told you because I thought it would cheer you up. You should ring them briefly when we get to San's. Your mom was really disappointed when you weren't there.'

Wooyoung felt bad. 'I will.' And even though they were still a few minutes from the University estate, Wooyoung pulled up his favourite contacts, ready for the moment he got out, to ring.

'Thank you for not making me wait,' he said softly.

And Hongjoong smiled. 'How could I ever make you wait?'


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