368 🩺 Times Rlly Do Be Rough

450 55 27

In a household full of people used to waking up far too early in the mornings, Hongjoong sat on a chair in the shower, with Wooyoung and Yeosang wielding hair dye behind him.

Forced to face the wall, he had absolutely no idea what colour his head was turning, but so long as the two blondes were giggling, and Yeosang wasn't sitting in a ball in his bed crying, Hongjoong really didn't care what colour his head turned out to be.

'Are you two having fun back there?'

'We absolutely are,' Wooyoung replied. 'You're going to look so pretty.'

Yeosang snorted, and it made Hongjoong laugh. 'Pretty ugly, is that what you mean?'

'No! I would never be that mean...'

Hongjoong didn't have to look to know that he was biting his lips in a guilty smirk. 'You know I have to present myself to my boyfriend and a workplace sometime between now and the time my hair grows out, don't you?'

He heard Yeosang laugh softly, and Wooyoung dramatically gasp.

'When have I ever  dyed your hair and have it turn out as anything but perfect?'

Hongjoong smirked to himself as his heart warmed. 'Good point...'

And Wooyoung scoffed. 'Such little faith in my work. I'm starting to think I should have been a hairdresser.'

'Woo hun, you think you should have done everything,' Yeosang said, his voice still quite raw, yet full of a delicate fondness that was more intense with his pain.

'Just because you're jealous.'

'Am not.'

'Are so.'

'Am not.'

'Are so-'

'Ooookay,' Hongjoong interrupted. 'No bickering.'

'Yes mom.'
'Yes mom,' the two said in unison, teasing him.

Hongjoong sighed, giving in. 'Sometimes I feel like I should just let your arguing escalate and see whether you end up killing each other.'

'I wouldn't not!' Wooyoung suddenly shot back extremely touchily, without a hint of playfulness in his voice.

Yeosang giggled softly. 'Woo honey, he's joking.'

The youngest made a pouty noise before hmph-ing and setting back to work. 'Whatever. Just face the front and don't tempt me to paint your neck purple.'

Hongjoong's eyes widened. 'My head is purple?'

A second passed before a soft, evil laugh fell from Wooyoung's lips.

'I don't know, Hyung. Is it?'


Yunho blinked his eyes open to find that the sun was already up. Incredibly warm and cozy, he felt like he could close his eyes and fall straight back to sleep...

At least, until he realised where he was.

Against Mingi.

Head heavily resting gently in the nook of his shoulder, and his entire torso leaning against his chest... Their legs were tangled together, and his arm was slung too-comfortably over his chest with his hand resting on his side...

I fell asleep against him... I slept, beside him...

Suddenly, through his thoughts, he zoned into the sounds around him, and when he heard Mingi's breath, he realised, the brunette was awake...

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