316 🩺 Always Look On The Bright, Side Of Life🎶

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A/N: Stan the monty python

Yeosang didn't know how long he'd been standing in the shower under the stream of warm water for, but when he heard a soft knock on the door, it drew him from his daze and back to reality.

Letting his tears be washed away by the water, he reached forward and turned off the tap, getting out and wrapping a towel around himself to ward off the biting cold.

'Hyung-ah... Are you okay?'

Wooyoung's soft voice drifted through the door, making his raw heart ache. 'Yes, hun. I'll be out in a sec.'

Patting himself dry, he pulled on his pyjamas and threw his towel over his wet hair.

But without energy to actually dry it, he just stared into the mirror for a moment.


He looked so hurt.

And he felt, more hurt than he looked.

He just couldn't seem to understand why Jongho would do that... He kept thinking to himself, there must be an explanation...

But just when his mind began to attempt to formulate any kind of scenario in which kissing that girl would be okay, the grave side of his mind would solemnly step forward and remind him... There is no excuse that makes cheating okay.

Not being drunk.

Not being stressed.

Not being close friends.

Not being anything.

Perhaps in other people's book of morals, a kiss might have been okay...

But Yeosang liked the boy too much to share him with someone else. The incredible ache in his chest was too much, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not get the image of Jongho and that girl kissing out of his head.


Snapped from his downward spiral, Yeosang swallowed back the lump in his throat and opened the door, instantly met with a very worried and concerned looking Wooyoung.

The blonde looked him up and down, before gently taking his wrists in his hands and leading him into his room.

There, Hongjoong was already sitting in his bed with his laptop open. He looked up and gave him a small smile, before patting the bed beside him.

And Yeosang broke.

Turning to his brother, he dug his face into the nook of his neck and let his tears fall.

He didn't know whether it was just that he had reached his end, or that his warmed heart that ached for his family, just couldn't take feeling so happy yet devastated at the same time. Either way, as Wooyoung wrapped his arms around him protectively, he never wanted to ever go anywhere ever again.

The outside world was full of scary things that had the potential to rip open one's heart and tear it into a million little pieces.

But home...

Home was safe.

'Hyung-ah,' Wooyoung whispered; his voice on the verge of choking up. 'Come get into bed.'

When he didn't move immediately, Wooyoung guided him over and helped him up.

And as Hongjoong held out his arms, Yeosang crawled straight into them.

'How could he do that?' he choked, holding tight onto the fabric of his hoodie.

Hongjoong brushed his fingers through his hair and rubbed his back, hushing him softly. 'We don't know what happened,' he said softly.

But Yeosang knew that was only supposed to make him feel better. The tone of his voice was bleak, but his attempt was appreciated nonetheless.

Feeling Wooyoung crawl up beside him, he turned and let himself melt in beside the two people in his life that had never, and would never, hurt him the way he was hurt in that moment.

'I'm never dating ever again,' he managed to choke - a poor attempt at making himself laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. He laughed painfully through his tears, wiping them away with his sleeves.

Wooyoung reached up and pressed a kiss into his cheek, gently and tentatively brushing away the moisture atop his blotchy skin. 'Good. You're mine and Joong's. You're not allowed to date ever again. You're banned.'

Yeosang laughed through his tears, reaching around him and pulling him into a hug. 'I love you, Woo,' he choked, pressing his cheek snugly against his.

Leaning back, he let Hongjoong pull him into his encompassing arms, giving him the safety of feeling looked after by his Hyung.

'Everything will be okay,' Hongjoong breathed softly, rubbing his arm. 'It hurts now, but no matter what happens, everything is going to be okay, alright?'

Swallowing back his tears, he nodded, mustering a smile upon his blotchy, swollen lips. 'Thank you...' he whispered.

Hongjoong smiled, pressing a peck into his hair. 'Let's watch a movie, hmm?'

Yeosang nodded. Melding into his Hyung's side, he weaved his fingers with Wooyoung as they huddled together, just like they had done ever since they were little boys, hiding in the corner of his room, afraid of the dark...

Being with them... The people he had spent his life with, who had never let him down...

He felt as though he had all the love in the world that he could ever need, right beside him.


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