359 🩺 Cleanup In Aisle 4 📣

453 53 40

A/N: Welcome to my office of the hour~ I wish I could put a video here so u could hear the birds 😔 🥺

Also, yes, they are both my coffees. And yes, they will probably be both empty by the time I finish editing and going through notifications 👀 Can u tell where the characters get their coffee addictions from? 😬  


Leaning against the corridor wall in the hospital, Seonghwa held his phone to his ear and smiled down at his scrub shoes as he listened to his boyfriend speaking through the line.

'How was the patient?

He sighed, thinking about the situation he had been called in for. 'She's okay. I think the nurses panicked a little. I probably didn't need to come in, but I guess better me than Dr. Han... Hey, slightly different topic, but how is Yeosang?'

He heard Hongjoong's troubled intake of breath. 'He wouldn't let me take him again. He caught the bus a while ago...'

Nodding, he glanced down. 'He'll be okay, Joong.'

'I know... I just-...' his voice was so pained that it physically hurt to listen to. 'I know I can't hold his hand every moment of his life, but... I just wish he'd let me help him a little bit...'

Seonghwa smiled sadly. 'You're a really good Hyung. I wish I had someone like that in my life...'

He heard a very distracted, amused laugh. 'You do, you pansy. Last time I checked, I'm still older than you.'

And he snorted, rolling his eyes. 'Whatever. Just when I was trying to hel-... p...'

Just then, a commotion broke out down the hall, distracting him and pulling his attention. With a lot of shouting, and a lot of movement, the disturbance was beginning to drag not only his attention, but others, too...

'Hwa... What's going on? What's all that noise?'

Plucking his glasses from his coat pocket, he popped them on, looking more clearly...

And his breath left him...

'Holy shi-... Joong, I better go-'

Confused responses met him, but regretfully, he hung up and quickly pocketed his phone. Taking off his jacket, he hurried down the hall, dumping it on a chair on his way past...

And the moment he reached the commotion, it had escalated far past acceptable... 


Ten minutes earlier ~

Finishing his patient notes and closing the chart on the nurses station, Yunho reached up and rubbed his already exhausted shoulders. His tender caress however pulled his still-tender skin over his neck, and he winced a little, gently patting it instead to take away the sting...

'Jeong Haksaeng~'

Surprised by a voice he hadn't heard in a while, he turned to see Mr. Li walking towards him, his parents' family friend. 'Afternoon,' Yunho said politely, nodding.

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