231 🩺 New Beginnings & Possibilities

470 46 15

Sitting in his window seat soaking up the sun, Wooyoung toyed with his phone in his hands. In the quiet of his room, his mind was weighing up the possibilities around him, thinking about the events of the past days.

And in Wooyoung's mind, a lot had happened.

In the past week, a strong sense of calmness had settled over him, and not one that he had ever felt before. For the first time in years, he had no secrets between him and his family. He was no longer seeing strangers for unsavory acts, he was no longer parading around for middle aged men in a club handing out lap dances, and he had come to understand things about himself that made everything seem to fall into place...

For the first time in years, he only had healthy input in his life, and although he had once feared what it would feel like not to work at the club anymore, and not feel the attention of the patrons, he was discovering that whether or not he was in skimpy clothing, he was still apparently worthy of some people's attention - namely, the only ones who mattered to him...

And on top of all of that, he had San.

Wooyoung had never been in such a strong relationship. He felt secure and embraced. It had been months now, and if San was going to leave him, surely he would have done it by now...

All the areas of his life had somehow come together, and for once, he felt strong. Empowered, even. He had almost died from his sepsis, and yet somehow, he had come out steadier than he'd gone in...

And now it was time to pull his last part of his life back together...

Glancing down at his phone, he nodded. 'It's time.'

'It's time for what?'

Startled, Wooyoung turned to see Yeosang walking into his room with a blanket pulled over his shoulders. He strolled right up and climbed into the window seat opposite him, shivering as the morning sun melted him.

Wooyoung gave him a soft smile. 'I'm going to go back to work on Monday.'

Yeosang's eyes widened in concern. 'Already? Woo, are you sure you can-'

'Yes, Sang. I'm sure. We all knew it would happen eventually.'

Yeosang gave him a concerned look as he scooted around to sit next to him. '... Did you tell Joong?'

Wooyoung nodded, taking a brave breath of air. 'I spoke to him earlier. He said that he'll go back as well when I do, but only part time.' Feeling Yeosang's warm body beside him, he melted into his side, letting him pull the blanket over the both of them. Resting his head on Yeosang's shoulder, he closed his eyes.

'I'm worried about you, Woo...'

Wooyoung smiled. 'Don't be~. Hyung-ah, I'm okay. I'm going to take it slow at first. I don't want to make you worried. I promised, remember?'

'I do... But I can't help it! If I can't see you, how can I know that you're okay...?'

Nuzzling closer into his side, Wooyoung hummed in content. 'Hyung-ah, you can't always watch over me, silly. At some point, you have to live your own life.'

Huffing, Yeosang sighed, pulling him into a hug and causing Wooyoung's head to fall into the nook of his neck and his eyelashes to brush against his throat. 'Wooyoung-ah... I was thinking...'

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