Yeosang came up behind his brother and wrapped his arms around him, hugging him tightly and swaying them a little. 'Woo, I told you mom and dad wouldn't be upset.'
Letting the blonde turn to face him, he gave him a smile.
For the past hour or so, Wooyoung and himself had been helping their parents unpack their belongings into their new home, just a few neighbourhoods down from their own apartment.
But this had been the first day the two had seen their parents since Wooyoung had come to terms with his newfound sense of identity, and evidently, after three nights of almost perpetual anxiety building and building, and countless conversations on how he could potentially "come clean," it was still an incredibly difficult task for him to achieve.
Wooyoung sniffed, rubbing his happy tears away against Yeosang's shirt. 'I was so scared,' he whispered.
And Yeosang smiled, rubbing his back and brushing his hands through his hair. 'Woo, I told you they would be fine.'
'Yeah... But! They didn't even seem surprised...'
Yeosang chuckled. 'Woo, you're not required to tell everyone everything. You don't really feel the need to explain yourself to... Seonghwa, do you?'
Wooyoung groaned,stomping his foot a little as he pouted. 'No~~. But Seonghwa isn't mom and dad...'
Yeosang felt his heart tug. 'Mom and dad will always support you. They love you, and this is who you, are...'
'Boys! Come eat! Your father just put the table together, let's have lunch!'
Yeosang and Wooyoung's heads instinctively shot up and towards the door like meerkats towards their mother's voice.
'Hyung-ah, Joong gets off shift on the eight am round, not the six, right?'
Yeosang frowned as they separated. Picking up a small box near his feet that needed to be taken to the living area on their way, he thought back to what he'd been told before the eldest had left for work. 'Yeah I think so, why?'
His brother suddenly jumped up in front of him, taking him by the arms and staring straight into his eyes. 'Can we stay here tonight?! Pleaseeeee? Pleaseee pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease?'
Yeosang laughed softly, rolling his eyes. 'Woo, we can always come back tomorrow. And the next day, and every day after that. We'd have to sleep on the floor here. Don't you want to sleep in your bed?'
Wooyoung shook his head a half dozen times, pleading with him.
And how could he ever tell his brother no? Especially when he was being as childishly adorable as now? 'Fine.'
And Wooyoung's lips pulled into the most magnificent smile as he attacked him with hugs and pecks, almost making him drop the box in his arms.
'Thankyouthankyouthankyou~~~ Sangie~e~e~ thankyouthankyoutha-'
Yeosang laughed, trying to dodge his affectionate onslaught. 'Yes yes, we get it. Come on, lunch now.'
And Wooyoung obeyed immediately as he turned and skipped into the kitchen, dragging him along by the wrist behind him.
'Momma~a~a~! You said to ask him, and Sangie said yes~!'
A/N: Chap title gave me goosebumps. That is all

The Odd Doctor Out | A Drama | S. 2
General FictionSeason 2~ The only Kdrama on Wattpad- Eight boys, eight stories, eight people who are just doing their best when the sun rises each morning, to push through the new day, and navigate the rough waters strewn before them that is 'life.' Pushing throu...