297 🩺 Seduced | M

772 50 102

As San drove into the carport outside the dorm and parked, Wooyoung suddenly turned around in the passenger seat and stared outside. 'San-ah... Isn't that Min?'

Frowning, San craned his neck around to see Mingi on the front porch pulling on his shoes. And fair enough, there he was. 'Umm...Yes...'

'I thought you said he wasn't working tonight...?'

San nodded. 'I did...'

Getting out of the car, he quickly jogged around to open Wooyoung's door for him and take his overnight bag from the back seat. And walking up to the front door together, their movement caught Mingi's attention.

'Oh, Woo~' he breathed, smiling as he stood up. 'I'm so sorry I can't stay and chat, I'm just heading out...'

'I thought you had tonight off...' San asked.

Mingi gave him a guilty nod. 'I did, but another student couldn't do their shift, so we swapped.'

San didn't want to, but he decided to put on his big Hyung pants. 'Min, you're working too hard-'

But Mingi just hurried up to him, taking his shoulders in his hands. 'San-ah, I'm fine. I will sleep all through tomorrow. And I'll sleep in Hwa's on-call on my break. One night won't hurt.'

San nodded, but gave him a look that let him know he still wasn't happy. 'You do know you say that every time, right?'

Mingi gave him a sheepish smile. 'I know. But I mean it this time. It's just this time. And I only have a few more shifts before I break for exams anyway.'

San bit his lip, still not happy, but knowing there was nothing he could say to change his mind. 'You better not overdo it this time... Hwa and I will be really mad if you do...'

Mingi gave him a wide smile, before pulling him into a quick hug, and then giving Wooyoung one as well. 'I promise~. I've got to catch the bus, but I'll see you tomorrow~.'

'Okay... Be careful...'

He waved over his shoulder as he made for the bus stop.

And with that, he and Wooyoung were left alone.

Turning to look at the blonde, San suddenly felt extremely bad for making him stand out in the cold. 'Aww kitten, I'm sorry baby, you're cold,' he said apologetically, quickly putting his key in the door and putting his hand on the small of his back to lead him inside.

But in the warmth of their dorm, Wooyoung just smiled. 'It smells sweet in here,' he said softly, lifting his nose a little and sniffing the air.

San cooed at how cute he looked. 'Min probably cut his rose stalks and brought them in.'

'He has roses?' he asked curiously, his eyes filling with surprise and interest.

San nodded. 'He has a little garden outside he looks after when he's stressed.'

'Cute,' he whispered under his breath.

Smiling at how sweet the blonde was, San carried Wooyoung's bag into his room.

Turning around, he saw Wooyoung climbing up to perch on his bed. His fluffy blonde hair was falling in waves to frame his catlike eyes, and just the way he sat was dainty as hell.

And as he gazed up at him, blinking innocently through those dark lashes, San melted.

'Baby why are you so pretty?' Crawling up onto the bed, he felt like a puppy going crying for attention, snuggling up for kisses.

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