255 🩺 Friday's Are Scary As Fk

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Yunho had an uneasy feeling in his stomach. Working in the ER again, he couldn't help but notice that the staff rostering seemed a little strange. For a Friday, late shift, with a well-renowned concert playing in the area, for him to be the only male on a team of female nurses and doctors, it seemed a little like a poor choice.

Fridays were always a scary occurrence, without a concert happening in the area, and with a full moon also coinciding with the date, it was a recipe for disaster.

Working closely with the nurses and doctor on shift, the ED was extremely busy and on edge with a number of drug influenced patients in their care. Yunho just hoped that some male staff who had some authority and weight to them would come on with the new shift of staff...

But as the doors to the Emergency ward suddenly opened and a clearly drunk, possibly even drug affected middle aged man stumbled in wielding an empty beer bottle, all thoughts evaporated from his head.

'Ya you don't know shit! Get out of my face!'

Yunho dropped the patient file in his hands and quickly made across the ward, closing a few patient privacy curtains as he went.

One of the more daintily built nurses attempted to attend to him.'Sir, could you please-'

But suddenly, the man lashed out, slapping her across the face and causing her to stumble back into another young nurse who caught her.

And chaos broke out.

'Sir,' Yunho suddenly said with as much authority as he could muster. 'This is an emergency room.' He stared him straight in the eyes, trying to remain confident. 'Do you need medical attention?' He watched out of his peripherals as the two nurses scurried away, one tenderly attending to a now bruised eye.

The man suddenly zoned in on Yunho. 'What would you know?! Boy?!' He swung his empty bottle at him, lurching forward.

And Yunho's pulse screamed in his ears. 'Sir drop the bottle.' He glanced in the reflection of the doors behind the man to see the nurses scurrying to move patients away from the commotion.

'Get fucked!' The man yelled, hurling a golley and spitting at him. Dressed poorly and covered in dirt and road grit like he'd been rolling in the gutter, he staggered on his feet.

But despite being blind drunk and possibly under the influence, he was bigger than Yunho, and no amount of swaying and staggering on his feet would make him less of a danger to Yunho, and the other people in the ER.

'Sir, we're going to need you to leave if you don't want medical attention.'

'Ya!' the man screeched at him, and then suddenly, he lurched forward.

Unable to move quick enough, Yunho felt the wind knocked from him as he was suddenly shoved back into the wall. He coughed upon collision, shoving the man and his putrid smell off of him, and just in that moment a middle aged male patient came running to his aid.

Screaming broke out in the ward, and as Yunho clutched his chest, he looked around desperately for the nurses.

'Call the staff duress! Someone press the button!' he choked, watching as the drunk was suddenly pulled back away from him by the kind citizen. Another man ran out from his bed to help hold him back as well, glancing up at Yunho and catching his eyes.

'Are you okay?' the second man asked, still attempting to help the first man to hold the drunkard back. But before Yunho had the chance to respond, the drunk's eyes widened...

Yunho followed his gaze, terror suddenly bubbling up within him as he saw that those dilated, confused eyes had found a little girl...

'Demon!' the man screamed. And suddenly, he went hysterical. Shoving at the other patients holding him back, he started falling down to his knees and crawling desperately across the floor, bringing his glass bottle with him. 'It's a demon! I told you! Look at it's eyes! Three of them! It's from hell! We're going to die! We have to kill it first!'

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