295 🩺 These Two Always Be Havin' ♡2♡'s

472 56 9

Yeosang glanced down at his phone on the coffee table before him as it dinged.

New Message - Joong Hyung
Sang which oncall r u in?
Or r u in the mess hall?
I just accidentally walked in on the most
aggressive game of snap I've ever seen 😳
I was scared for my life

Yeosang frowned, chuckling a little at his phone. Leaning forward, his scrubs crinkled noisily as he picked up his phone and leant back to text him back.

Gen Surg 2
Don't bust in like a pansy
There's a Consultant sitting in the
corner on zoom

Thanks for the heads up
Be there in 2

Reacting with a thumbs up to his message, Yeosang put his phone back on the table and picked up his mug of coffee, breathing in the strong scent of caramel and melting a little from the inside out. Sipping, he sighed contentedly, relaxing back into the couch.

Not even two minutes passed before the door gently and quietly swung open, and Hongjoong poked his head around the corner. He smiled as his eyes met his before he glanced into the corner where the Consult was sitting. As the older looked up, they both nodded, before the doctor went back to his meeting which sounded as though it was ending.

Hongjoong made his way quietly over to Yeosang, sitting down beside him and holding out a takeaway dish of leftover stew from the night before. It was wrapped in paper towel, and as Yeosang gladly took it, he realised it was already heated, hot in his hands.

Yeosang hummed softly contentedly. 'I didn't know you were dropping in today,' he said as he put the container down on his lap and peeled the lid off.

Hongjoong leant back on the couch, glancing up as the Consultant suddenly stood, taking his headphones off and packing up. 'I came in with Seonghwa this morning,' he said, reaching out to take his coffee and try a sip. 'I had a bit of a walk to the psychiatry department this morning, and have been doing some ring arounds.'

Yeosang nodded. 'You been in your office?'

'Sure have.'

'I stashed my bag in there this morning, sorry,' Yeosang said lightly, taking a spoonful of the stew and blowing on it before putting it in his mouth. He glanced up as the Consultant nodded at them on his way out.

'Sang...' Hongjoong said as the door swung shut. His voice was suddenly very serious, and Yeosang suddenly felt really bad for leaving his bag in his office.

'Sorry... I didn't think it would be a proble-'

Hongjoong laughed, shaking his head. 'Sang not that,' he said, spying the piece of potato on Yeosang's spoon. He opened his mouth and leant forward, childishly saying 'Aaaah.'

Yeosang chuckled softly, rolling his eyes as he fed the potato to him. 'What's the solemn voice for then?' he asked as he watched Hongjoong exhale pure steam.

Chewing and swallowing, Hongjoong bit his lips a little, taking a deep breath. 'I wanted to find you after dinner last night, but the time was never right...'

Yeosang frowned, putting down his spoon and giving him his full attention. 'Are you okay?'

He nodded. 'That was what I wanted to ask you.'

Yeosang exhaled a little, glancing back down at his lunch. 'If you wanted to ask so bad, you could have called,' he said softly, his heart warmed that he'd come instead.

Hongjoong shook his head. 'That's not the same, and you know it.' His expression softened dramatically. 'What's going on? Are you okay?'

Yeosang took a shaky breath, aimlessly stirring his stew. 'I guess...'

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