321 🩺 From 형 To 동생

416 52 38

Sitting with his legs crossed on a chair at the dining table, Yeosang felt very small as he hugged his mug of caramel coffee close to his chest and stared at the table.

Somehow, he'd been able to convince Wooyoung that he would be okay and that he should go to work. But with his brother having left him alone, he suddenly felt quite lonely...

Or at least, until Hongjoong suddenly reached around him from behind, took his mug and put it on the table, and wrapped his arms around him, letting him rest his hands upon his forearms.

'Sang-ah, don't tell me you're okay. I know you're not. I wouldn't be.'

Leaning his head back into his Hyung's homely chest, he gazed up at him and sighed, melding into his embrace. 'You know, I often wonder whether Wooyoung feels the same way about me being his Hyung, that I feel towards you...'

Hongjoong frowned, staring down at him with a sense of confusion across his face. His pale blonde hair fell down over his dark eyes, all fluffy and familiar.

'Where'd that come from?'

He blinked slowly, staring up at him and feeling quite content to just let his raw and pained body stay warmly wrapped up in his embrace. 'I don't know... I guess I'm just feeling sentimental?'

Hongjoong chuckled softly, giving him a squeeze and ruffling his hair. 'Oh, so you like being treated like the little brother?' he teased. 'Should I pinch your cheeks and give you cutesy little pet names?'

Cringing, Yeosang narrowed his eyes. 'Don't push your luck.'

Chuckling, as Hongjoong let him go gently, Yeosang turned and climbed up onto the chair onto his knees to wrap his arms around Hongjoong for a closer hug. 'Hyung... I need to talk to Jongho...'

The eldest nodded, rubbing his back gently. 'I know... Do you know what you're going to say?'

Biting into his bottom lip, he was hit with the cold hard truth. 'No... But I want to give him a chance to tell me the truth...'

Hongjoong nodded, squeezing him tightly before letting go. 'Come sit on the couch,' he whispered before picking up his coffee mug and taking it with him.

Yeosang plucked his phone from the counter and followed, sitting down beside him and resting snugly into his side. He stared at his phone in his hands, having an internal battle within himself.

Giving in, he turned to his Hyung hopefully. 'Can you just text him for me?'

Hongjoong chuckled softly, shaking his head. 'Babe that's your job.'

In a small pouty tantrum, he whined, shimmying his shoulders a little and feeling like an identical image of his brother for a moment. 'But Joo~o~o~o~o~ng-ah~h,' he complained.

And after a second of pure shock, Hongjoong laughed. 'Now I know where Wooyoung gets his aegyo from,' he breathed, smirking. 'Don't give me that act. I'm not touching your phone.'

Giving in, Yeosang spared his Hyung a salty side eye before sighing. 'What's the bet I spend all morning stressing over sending this text, and he doesn't even reply?'

'Oh don't say that,' Hongjoong scolded, slapping him gently on the thigh. 'Think positively and hope for the best, okay?'

Nibbling on his lip, Yeosang took a deep breath. 'Fine.'

And so with that, he opened his phone and navigated straight to his texts, sending three without even thinking.

Are you busy today?
I really need to see you.

The Odd Doctor Out | A Drama | S. 2Where stories live. Discover now