274 🩺 Gettin' Lit

431 49 16

Min Min
San-ah, do u maybe wanna get lit tonight?

Uh, why?
Don't u have placement tomorrow?

Min Min
Well yeah... but in the afternoon!

Uh, okay then...
I guess I'll dust off the vodka and whiskey from under the sink?
What happened?

Min Min
Do I need a reason to get lit with my roommate?
I know u don't have classes tomorrow.
I might have checked the googledoc... 👀 🙈

Min it's almost one. What the hell happened

Min Min
Ugh don't ask. I don't want to keep offloading my issues onto u

That's my job

Min Min
💬 But|

No buts

Min Min
💬 Bu|
💬 B|
💬 |
Ugh how do u know me so well?

I have lived with u for 3 yrs and known u for almost ten
I know everything
Tell me what happened
Was Yunho an idiot again?

Min Min
He's not an idiot, he's just incredibly confused

I know I only half meant it when I said that, but still...
What did he do

Min Min
Nothing, just make sure u get the ice cream out

That is 'suss' talk for he did something
What did he do this time?
I swear to god if he keeps upsetting you...
I love him but oh my gOd... 😤👀🤦‍♂️

Min Min
I'm okay.. I just need to stay away from him
I say that, but I just spent the last hour of my life in the middle of the fking oval with him 🙄🤦‍♂️

🥺🥺I'm going to leave asking why u were on the oval with him at midnight until after u get home.

Min Min
San its okay
Just say whatever it is u want to say

... Idk... I just feel like...
No dw it's none of my buisness

Min Min
Say it
Say it
U know I value ur opinion

No sorry I regret it already
.. I was going to say.. idk, i just feel that Yun is trying... It's so obvious...
But he's also making u suffer.
So ignore i said anything

Min Min
.. Mm.. San-ah I know u think that I should just go with it...
But think realistically.
Even if he decides he wants to try...
Hes still going to be hiding. San it took me years to tell my father, and look what happened there
It took you ages as well, and ur parents knew u were gay

Ya, just because I look gay

Min Min
u used to look a lot gayer

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