375 🩺 Coffee O'Clock (x2?)

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Yunho startled as suddenly, hands tickled his waist from behind.

Jumping in shock, he spun around to see that Wooyoung had snuck up on him.

'Morning~' the blonde chirped, smiling widely.

Yunho sucked in a deep breath, calming his startled heartbeat. 'Morning,' he breathed, watching him giggle.

'Let's go inside,' Wooyoung said eagerly, putting a hand on his back and almost shoving him towards the door. 'I want to show you the fishies~.'

He couldn't help but laugh at how eager he was. Something told him it was less the fish, and more the coffee that he was after, but alas, he let himself be pushed towards the door, before he opened it and let Wooyoung in first.

And the moment he stepped in after him, he was awed at the number of sea life in the place...

The whole café almost felt like they were underwater, glowing with a blue tint and surrounded by fish that were tens of times bigger than the two little fighter fish in his parents' clinic. It was beautiful... But it was also unsettling...

'Naw, they won't kill you, unless I push you in the tanks,' Wooyoung teased, giggling as he suddenly panicked, and leading him past the tanks up to the bench to order.

He felt a lot like a gawking alien as he stared at the tanks around them... They were filled with fish in so many different colours and shapes and sizes that he almost didn't know where to look...

'Yunho,' Wooyoung suddenly said, nudging him in the side. 'What do you want to order?'

'Oh-' he stuttered, staring forward and seeing the barista watching him. 'Oh, uh, long black? Please?'

The barista nodded punching numbers into the EFTPOS machine.

Paying for the both of them, he put his wallet in his pocket and picked up their number, letting Wooyoung choose a place to sit.

And with potentially the best service in the country, after only a minute or so, they were both sitting at a booth along the back of the café with coffees in hands, breathing in the soothing scent of coffee beans.

Wooyoung took a sip of his latte and moaned as the taste smoothed over his taste buds. 'Dear god, so good,' he whispered, taking another sip - oblivious to the way Yunho was staring at him, wondering how the hell he could make such a sound in public...

He tore his eyes from the blonde, sinking back into the soft bench seat along the wall and staring out at the unique café around them.

'You know, you look like you're kind of glowing this morning,' Wooyoung said softly, dragging him from his daze.

'I do?'

'Mhm~ I guess you just look like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.'

One problem down, and another replaces it... 'I guess that's kind of true...'

'So you still think you made the right choice? Leaving uni? Did you unenroll, or defer in case you want to go back?'

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