298 🩺 We Don't Stan Clingy Girls

406 44 23

Yunho had only just walked off of the ward when his phone buzzed in his pocket.

Hoping to god it wasn't his preceptor calling him back to work overtime, he glanced at the notification.

New Message: Rose
Morning~ Hope you slept well~ 🌷🌸🌺
Just wondering whether you would like to get coffee this morning?

'Oh fuck me,' he swore, closing his eyes and groaning.

As he lulled his head down in defeat, he winced a little as his wound pulled, which only added to his irritation. 'What the fuck will it take?' he asked the world, holding his phone tightly in his hands.


It vibrated in his grasp, and he almost didn't want to check the notification screen again.

New Message: Rose
I'm actually going to be in the area today
I thought maybe because it's such a sunny day, we could take a walk and talk things over 😊 ☀️🌹🌷🍁

He felt sick.

'Fuck it.'

Opening his phone, he broke his vow of never speaking to her again that he had made on the day he had ended their thing that hadn't even existed to begin with.

Please stop texting me.
I already told you where I stand, and I do not need multitudes of messages from you.
I am at work, I am busy, and I am not interested in seeing you again.
Seen 7:29am

Sending his messages, he immediately went to pocket his phone and forget about it. But before he could even do that, his phone started continuously buzzing with a phone call.

And in the midst of trying to pocket his phone, he accidentally answered it.

'Aishhh...' he swore, gritting his teeth. Lifting the phone to his ear, he was suddenly met with the voice of Rose, but not in a tone he had heart before...

'-and I have given you every chance to take back what you said. I have texted and called and even shown up at your work. I don't understand why you haven't even given me one minute of your time! I still don't even know why you are acting this way!'

Yunho closed his eyes as a sickening feeling bubbled up within him. 'Rose, stop, will you? I told you, I don't want to see you. We had a lovely time, but I just don't feel anything for you. Is that so hard to understand?'

'How can you not feel something?! Yunho I was everything that you could hope for.'

Except, you're not...

'Rose I don't choose how I feel. We saw each other not even enough times to count on one hand, and there was nothing between us. Why are you behaving so extremely?'

'Because I seem to be the only one thinking about us, and how well we meld!'

'Us?, Rose, there is, no us. There never was, an us.'

He heard her choke on the phone. 'How could you say that?'

Tired of arguing, Yunho gave in. 'Because I didn't enjoy our time together, Rose. Okay? It wasn't unpleasant, but I certainly wasn't jumping over the moon to see you again. In fact, I didn't want to. I may not know what a good first date feels like, but I know that, wasn't it. So I would greatly appreciate it, if you would stop contacting me.'

A long silence ensued, and suddenly, Yunho began to worry that he had gone too over the top.

But suddenly, a very quiet, very mad voice drifted through the line, and it rose goosebumps on his skin.

'You will regret this.'

Yunho shook his head. 'No I won't.'

And with that, he hung up, blocking her number, and pocketing his phone as he had originally planned.

I tried to be nice. Why did it have to end up this way?

He tried hard to put it from his mind, struggling with his own conscience.

But the moment he pushed open the door to the locker room and walked inside, all thoughts of Rose disappeared instantaneously.


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