327 🩺 Dropping By

369 52 20

A/N: Surprise~ Everyone's suffering, so I thought I'd post another chap that's more heartwarming than the last 😔

Knock knock knock.

Leaning against the headboard of his bed, Hongjoong sat next to Wooyoung. And in Wooyoung's lap, was a tired, emotionally exhausted, sound asleep head of dirty blonde hair. As Yeosang slept, hopefully peacefully, Wooyoung gently dragged his fingers through his hair, spending the time just staring sadly and lovingly down at him.

But as the knock at the door sounded, Wooyoung looked up at him, frowning.

And it was only then that Hongjoong realised that he'd almost forgotten Seonghwa had wanted to call around after work.

'It's Hwa I think~' he whispered, watching Wooyoung's lips pull into a sweet smile.

'Well go and get him then,' he whispered.

Hongjoong glanced down at Yeosang, fast asleep, before Wooyoung began to shoo him out of bed.

And so putting down his paper and carefully crawling out from under the blankets, he tucked the two back in, before whispering, 'I'll be right back~.'

Tip toeing out of the bedroom and across the living room, he decided not to turn on a light, lest it wake Yeosang.

But all thoughts of lights dispersed the moment he opened the door.

'Hwa~' he whispered.

The boy smiled.

Carrying a couple of paper bags - ones Hongjoong recognised as the wine shop, and the desert bar -, as well as two plastic bags, he was dressed in his long coat and work clothes.

And Hongjoong couldn't believe that Seonghwa had actually done everything he said he would.

His heart oozed love, and as he quickly took hold of the opening of his coat and dragged him inside out of the cold, he reached up onto his tippy toes and pressed a sweet kiss into his lips.

'You didn't need to do all this,' he whispered softly, running his hands delicately down his stubble covered jawline.

Seonghwa leant down to press a peck against the tip of his nose. 'No I didn't. But I already told you, I want to.' Smiling sweetly, he stood back up and held out a plastic bag towards him. 'For you, my darling,' he said with a suave flare.

Hongjoong felt himself blush, and as he took the bag and glanced inside, he saw that within, were three different flavours of chocolate, strawberry and cookie ice creams. 'Hwa...' he breathed, instantly recognising the brands as one of the ones he only ever bought on special occasions.

'Put it in the freezer, baby,' Seonghwa whispered through the dark.

Hongjoong nibbled on his lip shyly, before nodding.

Letting Seonghwa peel his shoes off first, he led him into the kitchen, putting the bag in the freezer, before turning back and gravitating to his side.

But before he could kiss him thanks, Seonghwa held out another arm. 'For Yeosang,' he whispered.

Glancing down in surprise, he melted as he saw that he'd not only bought Rosé and caramel blend, but he'd also bought one of the little decorative mugs Hongjoong had been seeing in the pharmacy display window at the hospital.

'How is he?' Seonghwa asked as he gently put them down on the kitchen counter.

He nibbled on his lip, glancing down. 'Honestly, he's doing better than I would be doing.'

'Which is to say no doubt better than I would be doing as well,' Seonghwa said softly.

And something about the way he'd said it made Hongjoong want to reach up for a kiss...

But before he could, Seonghwa swung his last bag in front of him, blocking his affection. 'For Wooyoung,' he said softly. 'I didn't know which ones he liked...'

Hongjoong melted, seeing the assortment of chocolates. 'He will love them.'

But just again, as he'd gone to kiss him, Seonghwa interrupted by putting Wooyoung's plastic bag down on the counter.

And finally, he gave him his attention. He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling their bodies together and surprising him as he suddenly lifted him up, and rested his slipper covered feet over his.

Hongjoong giggled softly, wrapping his arms up around his neck as he gazed at him.

'And for my strong, caring, loving, beautiful boyfriend,' he whispered.

And with that, he gently dropped his lips down over his. Soft and tender and delicate and perfect... he melded against him in a way that had his stomach lifting into his chest, and his skin prickling.

He melted as the kiss deepened and their tongues brushed together, and as Seonghwa gently squeezed their bodies together, he didn't have a hope in hell of restraining the soft moan that escaped his - not in arousal, but in contentment.

With a soft smack, their lips separated, and Hongjoong felt like he'd been left floating in heaven.

'I'm sorry I was at work,' Seonghwa whispered, his voice apologetic and filled with regret.

Hongjoong gently brushed his thumb over the nape of his neck, playing with the little tuft of hair fondly. 'You don't need to be sorry, but I'm really really glad you came,' he whispered.

Seonghwa smiled against his lips, gently brushing the tip of his nose against his. 'I couldn't dare go home without seeing you after the day you've had.'

Hongjoong felt himself smile wider than he'd done all day. 'I knew there was a reason I decided to keep you around,' he teased.

And Seonghwa chuckled softly against him. 'I do hope I prove myself worth your while.'

Hongjoong giggled.

But just at that moment, attuned to the sound of his brothers back in his bedroom, Hongjoong heard the sound of Yeosang and Wooyoung softly talking.

He smiled. 'Why don't you come and give these to the boys yourself?'

Seonghwa looked at him as though he wasn't sure that it would be appropriate.

But Hongjoong just smiled. 'Come~' he whispered, urging that it was okay.

Smiling softly, Seonghwa nodded. 'Okay,' he whispered, dropping a peck on his lips before loosening his grip on him.

Melting under his sweet lips, Hongjoong plucked the bags from the kitchen counter and gave them to the boy, before taking him by the coat and dragging him down the hallway.

And as they poked their heads into his room, two dark pairs of eyes, and two blonde heads of hair turned towards them - both sitting, huddled together like puppies.

'Hwa~' Wooyoung whispered.

And as Hongjoong glanced at his boyfriend, he melted as he saw the kind, intimate smile he gave them.

'Hwa came bearing surprises.'


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